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Submit 3D print jobs

The 3D printer is now closed for the Summer 2019 semester and will reopen in the Autumn 2019 semester.

File Approval

Users must submit the request to print form and their project files in .STL or .OBJ format to sharpecommons@osu.edu. Staff will review the file and send a confirmation email to the address provided on the form that the submission was received. The confirmation email will contain the following information:

  1. file approval or revision requested
    1. If a revision is requested, the project will not be placed in the queue until the file has been resubmitted and approved
  2. Expected completion dates
  3. Any additional information important for the requestor to know (delays, printer malfunctions, etc.)
  4. Staff may need additional information from the user and a meeting to discuss issues with the file, additional questions, or other issues pertaining to your project. Those requests/questions would be posed here.
  5. Once the print job is complete, staff will send a second email informing the user that the print job is ready for pick-up.
    1. All jobs must be picked up within 3 business days of receipt of the email. After that, the items become the property of the Department of Geography.

All submissions are subject to approval based on scheduling and availability. There may be times that the printer is malfunctioning, being repaired, or is being used for an event or a course. During such times, the 3D printer may not be available for use and a delay in approving submissions and printing objects may be possible. Any significant lapses in printing time will be noted on The Sharpe Innovation Commons webpage.


Users may see slight imperfections in their prints. Small bumps or holes and rough edges at the base of an object may occur with 3D printing. Some of the imperfections can be addressed with fine sandpaper or other tools.

If you choose to bring in your own filament, only Geography approved materials may be used in the 3D printers.