Sharpe Innovation Commons

GBEX Geography - 3D mapping of rock glacier Intro - Mountain Drone Team from F Schoessow on Vimeo.

Mountain Drone Team Presentation
by Forrest Schoessow


One of the Winners of the Sharp Seed Grant Award 2018 Forrest Schoessow ( Project Leader, Graduate Student, Project: 3D-Mapping of high-mountain tropical glacier retreat using unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and Lidar remote sensing.  Here are links to the 2 HD Drone Video segments from the above presentation, Intro Video and the Rock Glacier Video.

Project Presentation
by James White

Sharpe Innovation Commons Speech
by Gary & Connie Sharpe


The Sharpe Innovation Commons 0005 Derby Hall:

  • Large room featuring several seating/work areas, with laptop power hook up and 4 PC workstations, 2 iMAC workstations and a white board.
  • 12x12 foot glass enclosed meeting room with 55 inch screen display and Solstice Pod for sharing presentations and digital content, Solstice App for most clients. (More on how to connect to a Solstice Pod below.
  • 2x2 55 inch Planar Media Wall with 4 Solstice Pods, HDMI input and a PC available for setting up on the displays using the in wall controll panel to configure which devices are displayed on each screen or on the entire wall as well as which device has the sound for the room. Connect to the solstice pods using osuwireless networking and the Solstice App for most clients.
  • 2 Ultimaker 3 3D printers that will be avalable to students through our lab monitors, process TBD. Programs to get to know for preparing the print jobs would be CURA 3.4 and Blender.

Present and Collaborate with Solstice
Solstice enables users to simultaneously share content to a room display using their laptops and mobile devices.  Any number of users can instantly connect, share and control content, improving wireless presentations, promoting classroom collaboration, and increasing meeting efficiency.  Share desktops with audio, application windows, videos, images and mirror mobile device screens to the display.  Sources are automatically tiled onto the screen for side-by-side viewing or can be positioned and scaled into any custom layout.

How to Connect to a Solstice Pod

  •  Make sure that you are connected to the “osuwireless" network.  The WIFI@OSU will not work for Solstice.  For info on connecting to Ohio State’s wireless network, visit
  • First-time Users:  Open a browser on your device and type in the IP address that you see on the Solstice display in the room.  Follow the on-screen prompts to download the app for your device.
  • Returning Users:  Open the Solstice app on your device, and either connect to a Solstice display from the directory, or type in the IP address of a Solstice Pod.
  • When prompted, input the screen key shown on the Solstice Display.


The Sharpe Innovation Commons Studio 0151 Derby Hall:
Features a sound insulated room with green screen recording capability and small meeting/conference room setup.
Technology Manual for the Sharpe Innovation Commons Studio