Social & Environmental Geography

Social & Environmental Geography

The Social & Environmental Geography (SEG) major prepares you to become a global citizen working towards a socially just and sustainable future. You’ll study the important connections between culture, economy, and the environment. 

These are not separate fields but pieces to a larger puzzle of how human beings connect to each other and our world. 

You’ll connect the art and science of humanity’s place in the world.

Are you interested in the way the environment influences our culture? Do you see connections between transportation systems and the materials we use to build and create? 

In the Social and Environmental Geography major, you'll work to deepen your understanding of not only global environmental issues like climate change, globalization, deforestation, and pollution but also critical social issues like immigration, government policy, and the way power is used and distributed.

These crucial challenges are interconnected and developing knowledge across disciplines will help you in developing nimble solutions that don't just address one piece of the larger puzzle. 

In this major, you'll get the chance to learn from disciplines across the sciences and humanities to further your ability to address issues that matter to you.

Through a combination of courses in Geographic Information Science, data analysis, and courses in geography, you'll develop the ability to not only think in terms of time and space but also to work with quantitative and qualitative research, develop models and maps of your work.

You'll be able to communicate your knowledge through geovisualizations and state of the art cartography as well as the social and environmental issues at stake within these maps.

Below is a list of some of the issues and topics you'll study:

Global Challenges

  • Global climate change
  • Deforestation
  • Pollution
  • Ozone depletion
  • Waste management
  • Desertification
  • Geopolitics

Policy and Law

  • Conservation
  • Social justice
  • Socioeconomics
  • Global conservation
  • Imbalances of power
  • Territories and governance
  • Immigration and law
  • Urban planning and development

Ecological Systems and Human Impact

  • Environmental regulation
  • Soil degradation
  • Land use impacts
  • Land form changes
  • Plant distribution
  • Climatology

Techniques and Tools

  • Ecological system management
  • Emergency management
  • Cartography
  • Geographic Information Sciences
  • Spatial analysis
  • Remote sensing

As a student of social and environmental geography, you are pursuing an education that integrates physical and social sciences with the humanities. 

This interdisciplinary approach opens up limitless possibilities in the ever-changing job market of the future. 

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, median pay in the geography field is $89,000 per year with a Bachelor's degree typical for entry level positions.

Possible career opportunities include:

  • Environmental Analyst or Monitor
  • Policymaker or Planner
  • Real Estate Developer
  • Urban Research Analyst or Demographer
  • Environmental Law Attorney
  • Natural Hazards Specialist
  • Cultural Ecologist
  • Urban & Regional Planner

Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Geographers

Curriculum for Geography (BA): Social and Environmental Geography

If you are a student considering the Social & Environmental Geography degree, the downloadable file below will provide further information on the courses required.

Advising Sheet

Major curriculum information for students enrolling at OSU and declaring a Social & Environmental Geography major during Autumn 2022 or beyond, use this document.

General Education Requirements

Every student at Ohio State completes courses in General Education (GE). 

Although these GE courses are meant to provide a broad baseline of learning, often the courses supplement the student’s major or program. 

The requirements vary depending on whether you are pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree, a Bachelor of Science degree. 

If you are not sure which curriculum you are following, ask your advisor. The College of Arts and Sciences has all the information you need to keep track of your General Education requirements.


Geography Minor

Learn more about the Geography Minor.

Curriculum for Geography (BA): Social and Environmental Geography

If you are a student enrolled in the department during the Summer of 2022 or earlier, please use the following advising sheet:

Advising Sheet

General Education Requirements

Every student at Ohio State completes courses in General Education (GE). 

Although these GE courses are meant to provide a broad baseline of learning, often the courses supplement the student’s major or program. 

The requirements vary depending on whether you are pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree, a Bachelor of Science degree. 

If you are not sure which curriculum you are following, ask your advisor

The College of Arts and Sciences has all the information you need to keep track of your General Education requirements