Connect with our Student Organizations

Chi Epsilon Pi
Chi Epsilon Pi is a national honor society for outstanding students in the field of atmospheric sciences
The purpose of the society is mainly twofold:
- To serve as a means for awarding distinction to students who have high scholastic ability and promise of achievement in meteorology
- To promote student interest in advanced study of meteorology and related sciences
Chi Epsilon Pi will promote and recognize students who demonstrate outstanding academics in the atmospheric sciences.
Chi Epsilon Pi serves to provide a professional environment that fosters education through recreation and recognition.
Chi Epsilon Pi shall further prepare Atmospheric Sciences majors or minors for an awarding, enriching career in which a member can effectively utilize a profound education of the Atmospheric Sciences to serve with absolute integrity to their community.

Geography Club
The Undergraduate Geography Club is a community for all students studying or interested in Geography.
We plan to involve members in mapping activities (primarily through YouthMappers), speaker events, and other related activities.
We intend to incorporate both academic and applied aspects of the field and connect members with networking opportunities.
Meeting Time & Place:
- Thursdays 6-7pm
- 154 North Oval Mall
- Columbus, OH 43210

Geography Graduate Organization
The primary purpose of the Geography Graduate Organization (GGO) is to provide an open and scholarly forum for OSU geography graduate students, as well as other graduate students interested in geography.
Related to this main purpose, the group also allows geography graduate students and other graduate students interested in geography to:
- Engage in scholarly discussions
- Discuss strategies for professional development
- Participate in social and learning opportunities outside of the formal academic setting
- Promote geographic scholarship throughout The Ohio State University and beyond

Meteorology Club
The purpose of the Meteorology Club is to create enthusiasm for the various fields in meteorology through meetings and seminars held throughout the academic year, and to create community among students at The Ohio State University.

Scarlet & Gray Forecasting Team
The Scarlet & Gray Forecasting Team strives to help our members gain valuable experience by creating weather forecasts for the campus.
This allows members to strengthen knowledge gained in the classroom.