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Name: Debangana Bose
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Ettlinger, Nancy
Title: From ‘Possessory Politics’ to the Politics of Placemaking: The Urbanization of an Agrarian-Urban Frontier and Differential Governance of Informal Property Market in Delhi’s Periphery
Name: Bonnie Bounds
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Munroe, Darla
Title: Distress and Success in Small Places: Prosperity, Gendered Educational Attainment, and Skilled Occupations in the Nonmetropolitan US
Name: Rebecca Chapman
Degree: MA
Advisor: Munroe, Darla
Title: A posthumanist political ecology of conservation in crisis: reflections from the green sea turtle
Name: Dakota Crane*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Montenegro, Alvaro
Title: Future Changes to Species’ Range Along the South America Coast Based on Statistically Downscaled SST Projections
Name: Jeff Gunderson
Degree: MA
Advisor: Mark, Bryan
Title: Assessing the Dendroclimatological Potential of Polylepis rodolfo-vasquezii in the Tropical Peruvian Andes
Name: Brooks Hammock
Degree: MA
Advisor: Coleman, Mat
Title: Policing the Opioid Crisis
Name: Claire Jones
Degree: MA
Advisor: Root, Elisabeth
Title: Neighborhood Housing Intervention and Birth Outcomes in Columbus, Ohio
Name: Lingwei Li*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Liu, Zhengyu
Title: Understanding Antarctic Circumpolar Current Transport at the LGM Using an Isotope-enabled Ocean Model
Name: Jiayong Liang
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Liu, Desheng
Title: Flood Mapping in Riverine and Coastal Urban Areas Using Multi-sensor Imagery and Multi-source Information
Name: Luyu Liu
Degree: MA
Advisor: Miller, Harvey
Title: Measuring public transit transfer risk using high-resolution schedule and real-time bus location data
Name: Jordan Pino
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Quiring, Steven
Title: Modeling the Effects of Winter Storms on Power Infrastructure Systems in the Northern United States
Name: Emily Sambuco*
Degree: MA
Advisor: Mark, Bryan
Title: Exploring Great Basin National Park using a high-resolution Embedded Sensor Network
Name: Jared Schenkel
Degree: MA
Advisor: Miller, Harvey
Title: Assessing the impact of public transit system redesign on social equity using space-time accessibility measures
Name: Nora Sylvander
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: McSweeney, Kendra
Title: Making Space of Difference: Spatially Exclusionary Policies in Resolving Natural Resource and Territorial Conflicts in the Bosawas Biosphere Reserve, Nicaragua
Name: Mary Grace Thibault*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Montenegro, Alvaro
Title: Modeling seagoing migration of early Homo via paleoclimate drift experiments to Sulawesi, Indonesia
Name: Yuechun Wang*
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Quiring, Steven
Title: Investigating Soil Moisture–Precipitation Feedback on the North American Monsoon System in the WRF Model
Name: Yuxiao Zhao
Degree: MA
Advisor: Xiao, Ningchuan
Title: Multimodal and Multiobjective Routing on a 3D Campus Network
Name: Ganesha Chandrassa*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Montenegro, Alvaro
Title: Evaluation of Regional Climate Model Simulated Rainfall over Indonesia and its Application for Downscaling Future Climate Projections
Name: Megan Jones*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Bromwich, David
Title: Sixty years of widespread warming in the mid and high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere
Name: Minkyung Koh
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Malecki, Edward
Title: Marriage Migration of Women and Making a Multicultural Society in South Korea
Name: Hui Kong
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Sui, Daniel
Title: Understanding and Designing the Development of Chinese Cities: Towards an Approach based upon the New Science for Cities
Name: Anurag Mazumdar
Degree: MA
Advisor: Mansfield, Becky
Title: How the Sharing Economy Disrupts Social and Material Circuits: Ride-Hailing Taxis in Mumbai
Name: Megan McHaney
Degree: MS
Advisor: Root, Elisabeth
Title: Intra-Hospital Transfers and the Associated Risk of Hospital-Onset Clostridium difficile Infection
Name: Laura Rivas
Degree: MA
Advisor: Coleman, Mat
Title: Mobility, Labor Management and Citizenship Regimes: The Denationalization of Dominicans of Haitian Descent
Name: Stephen Shield
Degree: MS
Advisor: Quiring, Steven
Title: Predictive Modeling of Thunderstorm-Related Power Outages
Name: Jake Carr
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: O'Kelly, Morton
Title: Variety, Consumer Spaces, and Dynamics in the Spatial Organization of the Goods and Services Sector
Name: Daniel D'Amico*
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Montenegro, Alvaro
Title: Dissolved oxygen in the oceans: An examination of the Late Ordovician and near future using an earth system climate model
Name: Austin Kocher
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Coleman, Mat
Title: Notice to Appear: Immigration Courts and the Legal Production of Illegal Immigrants
Name: Zachary Leasor*
Degree: MA
Advisor: Quiring, Steven
Title: Underwater: Spatiotemporal Variations of Drought Persistence in the South-Central United States
Name: Alex McCarthy*
Degree: MA
Advisor: Lin, Jialin
Title: Underwater: Convective Cores in Continental and Oceanic Thunderstorms: Strength, Width and Dynamics
Name: Zachary Paganini
Degree: MA
Advisor: Coleman, Mat
Title: Underwater: Using Ethnography to Investigate Intersections of Race and Resilience in the Case of the National Flood Insurance Program in Canarsie, Brooklyn
Name: Yongha Park
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: O'Kelly, Morton
Title: Studies in Airline and Aviation Efficiency
Name: Zhiqi You
Degree: MA
Advisor: Xiao, Ningchuan
Title: Absolute and Relative Location Information Retrieval in Twitter Data: An experimental Study
Name: Xun (Jerry) Zou*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Bromwich, David & Mosley-Thompson, Ellen
Title: The Prominent West Antarctic Surface Melt Event of January 2016: Investigation of the Dominant Physical Mechanisms
Name: Emelie Bailey
Degree: MA
Advisor: Root, Elisabeth
Title: Healthcare access under health system decentralization in Honduras: A mixed methods study.
Name: Christian Feliciano-Camacho*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Hobgood, Jay
Title: The Impact of Dry Air on the Location of Tornado Outbreaks Associated with Landfalling Tropical Cyclones in the Atlantic Basin.
Name: Shaun Fontanella
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Ahlqvist, Ola
Title: Ground Truthing the Socio-Technical Model of Energy Transitions at Building Scale Using an Energy Information System.
Name: Chris Hartmann
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Mansfield, Becky
Title: Postneoliberal public health, environment, and development in Nicaragua and Latin America.
Name: Hyeyoung Kim
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Xiao, Ningchuan
Title: The Role of Pastoralist Mobility in Foot-and-Mouth Disease Transmission in The Far North Region of Cameroon.
Name: Chengbi Liu
Degree: MA
Advisor: Sui, Daniel
Title: Exam option
Name: Rachel Mauk-Johnson*
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Hobgood, Jay
Title: Prediction of Intensity Change Subsequent to Concentric Eyewall Events
Name: Zoe Pearson
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: McSweeney, Kendra
Title: Coca Sí, Cocaína No? The Intimate Politics of International Drug Control Policy and Reform in Bolivia
Name: Caitlin Stripling*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Hobgood, Jay
Title: A Hurricane Specific Risk Assessment of the United States’ Gulf Coast Counties
Name: Scott Stuckman*
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Lin, Jialin
Title: Global Three-Dimensional Atmospheric Structure of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation as Revealed by Two Reanalyses.
Name: Calvin Tribby
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Miller, Harvey
Title: Activity Spaces, Route Choices, and Neighborhoods: Assessing the Built Environment Associations with Walking Trips.
Name: Lili Wang
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Woodworth, Max
Title: Becoming Urban the Chinese Way: The Politics of Urban Planning and Urban Change in Nanjing, China
Name: Seth Warthen*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Montenegro, Alvaro
Title: Recreating the Late Ordovician Glaciation using the University of Victoria Earth System model
Name: Gabriel Wawrin*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Hobgood, Jay
Title: Lake Erie Lake Effect Snowfall- Type I and Type II Snow Bands
Name: Oliver Wigmore*
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Mark, Bryan
Title: Assessing Spatiotemporal Variability in Glacial Watershed Hydrology: Integrating Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Field Hydrology, Cordillera Blanca, Peru
Name: Yuxi Zhao
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Munroe, Darla
Title: Entrepreneurship and commodified nature: amenity-led transitions in forested communities.
Name: Sayoni Bose
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Mansfield, Becky
Title: The Messy Politics of Land Acquisition in West Bengal.
Name: Rae Choi
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Mansfield, Becky
Title: Governing Coastal Space in East Asia
Name: Ryan Crumley
Degree: MA
Advisor: Mark, Bryan
Title: A Synoptic Snapshot of the Shullcas River Watershed in Peru: Glacier Melt Contribution to Stream Discharge and Investigating Climate Change in a Glacierized Landscape.
Name: Muzi Feng
Degree: MA
Advisor: O'Kelly, Morton
Title: An Exploration in Airport Market Share and Accessibility with Twitter
Name: Peixuan Jiang
Degree: MA
Advisor: Xiao, Ningchuan
Title: Design and implementation of a parallel heuristic method for spatial aggregation problems
Name: Hui Kong
Degree: MA
Advisor: Sui, Daniel
Title: Integrating the normative with the positive dimension of the new science for cities: A geodesign-based framework for CA modeling
Name: Shelly Li
Degree: MA
Advisor: Sui, Daniel
Title: Exploring the emerging sharing economy: Geographic perspectives on collaborative consumption
Name: Karen Pon*
Degree: MA
Advisor: Bromwich, David
Title: The Representation of Low Cloud in the Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS)
Name: Ariel Rawson
Degree: MA
Advisor: Mansfield, Becky
Title: Earth Jurisprudence: Making Nature a Subject through Law
Name: Natasha Sadoff
Degree: MA
Advisor: McSweeney, Kendra
Title: Hyper-Development, Waste, and Uneven Urban Spaces in Panama City
Name: Nicholas Sakian*
Degree: MA
Advisor: Hobgood, Jay
Title: Seasonal Temperature Trends and Variability of Temperature, Precipitation and Diurnal Temperature Range in U.S. Climate Divisions
Name: Ying Song
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Miller, Harvey
Title: Green Accessibility: Estimating the Environmental Costs of Space-time Prisms for Sustainable Transportation Planning
Name: Jonathan Wille*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Bromwich, David
Title: Analysis of the AMPS-Polar WRF Boundary Layer at the Alexander Tall Tower! site on the Ross Ice Shelf
Name: Xining Yang
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Sui, Daniel
Title: Exploring the world via volunteered geographic information (VGI): Space, place, and people
Name: Bo Zhao
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Sui, Daniel
Title: Detecting Location Spoofing in Social Media: Initial Investigations of an Emerging Issue in Geospatial Big Data
Name: James Baginski
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Malecki, Edward
Title: Friending the Feds: Governmental Social Media Use in the Neoliberal Era
Name: Jessica Barnes
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Ettlinger, Nancy
Title: Aspirational Economies of Self and City: The Values and Governance of Independent Crafters in Columbus, Ohio
Name: Christine Biermann
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Mansfield, Becky
Title: A Strangely Familiar Forest: Conservation Biopolitics and the Restoration of the American Chestnut
Name: Wei Chen
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Xiao, Ningchuan
Title: Developing Geographic Question Answering Systems Using GIS, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, and Ontologies
Name: Peter Chen
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: O'Kelly, Morton
Title: Bringing time into measures of food access: place vs. people.
Name: Nicholas Crane
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Coleman, Mat
Title: Between Repression and Heroism: Young People's Politics in Mexico City after 1968.
Name: Grey Evenson
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Ninghcuan Xiao
Title: A process-comprehensive simulation-optimization framework for watershed scale wetland restoration planning.
Name: Alfonso Fernandez
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Mark, Bryan
Title: Waning and Waxing of Mountain Glaciers in South America: A Modeling Approach Over Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales
Name: Wenkai Guo
Degree: MA
Advisor: Mark, Bryan
Title: The relationship between sea ice retreat and Greenland ice sheet surface-melt
Name: Kelly Huh (neé Kyung In Huh)
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Mark, Bryan
Title: Glacier volume changes in the Tropical Andes: A multi-scale assessment in the Cordillera Blanca, Peruvian Andes
Name: Hyeseon Jeong
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Darla Munroe and Dan Sui
Title: A Nation with a Place in the World: A Postcolonial Critique of the Imagined Geography of South Korea.
Name: Sam Kay
Degree: MA
Advisor: Sui, Dan
Title: Small Particles in the Big City: Uneven Adaptation and Atmospheric Governance in Beijing
Name: Jeff La Frenierre
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Mark, Bryan
Title: Assessing the Hydrologic Implications of Glacier Recession and the Potential for Water Resources Vulnerability at Vocán Chimborazo, Ecuador
Name: Justine Law
Degree: PhD
Advisor: McSweeney, Kendra
Title: Sustainable and Equitable Energy? The Diverse Economies of Wood Energy in Vermont and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Name: Kenneth Morley*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Hobgood, Jay
Title: An Analysis of the Risk Posed by Tropical Cyclones along the Gulf Coast of the United States
Name: Julien Nicolas*
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: David Bromwich
Title: Atmospheric change in Antarctica since the 1957-1958 International Geophysical Year
Name: Emily Nosse-Leirer
Degree: MA
Advisor: Cox, Kevin
Title: Future Focused Planning? The Role of Environmentalism and Sustainability in the Redevelopment of Post-Katrina New Orleans
Name: Nathan Patrick*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Mark, Bryan
Title: Evaluating near surface lapse rates over complex terrain using an embedded micrologger sensor network in Great Basin National Park
Name: Anurupa Roy
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Cox, Kevin
Title: The Political Economy of the New Urban Development in India
Name: Colin Sinclair
Degree: MS
Advisor: Mark, Bryan
Title: Glacial and Groundwater Contribution to Dry-Season Discharge and Bofedales in Tuni, Cordillera Real (Bolivia), and Pastoruri, Cordillera Blanca (Peru).”
Name: Adam Wehmann
Degree: MA
Advisor: Liu, Desheng
Title: A Spatial-Temporal Contextual Kernel Method for Generating High-Quality Land-Cover Time Series
Name: Xiaolin Zhu
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Liu, Desheng
Title: Generating High Quality Landsat Time Series and its Applications in Forest Studies
Name: Naomi Adaniya
Advisor: Sui, Dan
Title: Geographic dimensions of organ transplant: Space, time, place, and scale
Name: Shanshan Cai
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Liu, Desheng
Title: Advancing the Methodologies for Mapping Land Cover Trajectories Using MODIS Time Series Data
Name: Caleb Gallemore
Degree: Ph. D.
Advisor: Darla Munroe
Title: Glocalizing forests: transnational networks and the geography of global climate policy
Name: Brad Goodwin*
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Ellen Mosley-Thompson
Title: Recent Environmental Changes on the Antarctic Peninsula as Recorded in an Ice Core from the Bruce Plateau
Name: Wesley Haines*
Degree: MS
Advisor: David Bromwich
Title: Acceleration of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model using OpenACC and Case Study of the August 2012 Great Arctic Cyclone
Name: Robert Heyman
Degree: MA
Advisor: Mat Coleman
Title: Fort/City El Paso: Examining the Military-Urban Interface
Name: Lauren Hines
Degree: MA
Advisor: Mat Coleman
Title: Moving out of the Shadows: Resistance and Representation in the Struggle for Migrant Rights
Name: Robert Klein
Degree: Ph. D.
Advisor: Ed Malecki
Title: Toward a Good Life in Later Life: Perspectives, Problems, and Responses.
Name: Seung-Ook Lee
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Joel Wainwright
Title: Is China colonizing North Korea? Unraveling geopolitical economy in the production of territory
Name: Jeff Olson
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Darla Munroe
Title: The Evolution of Urban-Rural Space.
Name: Kejing Peng
Degree: MA
Advisor: Morton O'Kelly
Title: Evaluating the Integrated Accessibility and Catchment Areas of US Airports
Name: Stacy Porter*
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Ellen Mosley-Thompson
Title: Assessing whether climate variability in the Pacific Basin influences the climate over the North Atlantic and Greenland and modulates sea ice extent
Name: Scott Reinemann*
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Bryan Mark
Title: Holocene climate and environmental change in the Great Basin of the Western United States: a paleolimnological approach
Name: Kiril Vatev
Degree: MA
Advisor: Ola Ahlqvist
Title: Time to check the tweets: harnessing Twitter as a location-indexed source of big geodata
Name: Michael Webb
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Urban Revitalization, Urban Regimes, and Contemporary Gentrification Processes
Name: Brian Williams
Degree: MA
Advisor: Kendra McSweeney
Title: Perpetual Mobilization and Environmental Injustice: White Supremacy and the Contested Development of Industrial Agriculture in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta
Name: Aaron Wilson*
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: David Bromwich
Title: Using the NCAR CAM4 to Confirm SAM's Modulation of the ENSO Teleconnection to Antarctica and Assess Changes to this Interaction During Various ENSO Flavor Events
Name: Sandy Wong
Degree: MA
Advisor: Ed Malecki
Title: Weighty Experiments: Obesity Prevention Approaches in Columbus, Ohio
Name: Fang Zhang
Degree: MA
Advisor: Ola Ahqvist and Desheng Liu
Title: Flood Damage and Vulnerability Assessment for Hurricane Sandy in New York City
Name: Alex Eddy
Degree: MA
Advisor: Mark, Bryan
Title: A mixed method approach to exploring and characterizing ionic chemistry in the surface waters of the glacierized upper Santa River watershed, Ancash, Peru
Name: Meredith Frederick*
Degree: MA
Advisor: Hobgood, Jay
Title: Predicting the Predominant Flight Category in Central Ohio Using ENSO Indices
Name: Meng Guo
Degree: Ph. D.
Advisor: O'Kelly, Morton
Title: Benchmark, Explain, and Mode Urban Commuting
Name: Lindsey Higgins
Degree: MA
Advisor: Ellen Mosley-Thompson
Title: Construction and Analysis of an Ice Core-derived Melt History from West Central Greenland (1765 - 2006)
Name: Shiguo Jiang
Degree: Ph. D.
Advisor: Liu, Desheng
Title: Estimating Per-pixel Classification Confidence of Remote Sensing Images
Name: Ji Hoon Jung
Degree: MA
Advisor: Jason Box
Title: Temporal and spatial characteristics of Greenland ice sheet net snow accumulation (1781-2008)
Name: Thomas Kothe
Degree: MA
Advisor: Kevin Cox
Title: Unstable Trajectories: The Dynamics of Spatial Representation in Thomas Pynchon's Mason and Dixon.
Name: David Massey
Degree: MA
Advisor: Ola Ahlqvist
Title: "Expert" and "Non-Expert" Decision Making in a Participatory Game Simulation: A Farming Scenario in Athienou, Cyprus
Name: John Rainey
Degree: MA
Advisor: Dan Sui
Title: Space and Place in Business Intelligence: A Case Study of Starbucks Coffee Company in Central Ohio
Name: Chris Riley
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Nancy Ettlinger
Title: Global competitiveness starts here: the predicament of education in neoliberal times and possibilities for change.
Name: Timothy Shannon
Degree: MA
Advisor: Nancy Ettlinger
Title: Mass Action Online: Anonymous, the potentials, and the pitfalls of coming 21'st century cyber-movements
Name: Susan Wolfinbarger
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Kendra McSweeney
Title: People Make the Pixels: Remote Sensing Analysis for Human Rights-Based Litigation.
Name: Tom Ballinger*
Degree: MA
Advisor: Rogers, Jeff
Title: The influence of atmosphere-ocean teleconnections on western Arctic sea ice and surface air temperatures
Name: Fletcher Chmara-Huff
Degree: Ph.D
Advisor: Becky Mansfield
Title: Marine Protected Areas and the Territorialization of the Oceans in the Exumas, Bahamas.
Name: Jason Davis
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Becky Mansfield
Title: Reconsidering Antarctic bioprospecting through territorialities of science, property, and governance.
Name: Michael Davis*
Degree: Ph.D
Advisor: Lin, J
Title: Cloud-radiation feedback and ocean-atmosphere feedback in southeastern Pacific in IPCC global climate models
Name: Kevin Grove
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Coleman, Mathew
Title: Governing Social and Ecological Contingency through Disaster Management Policy and Practice in Jamaica
Name: Qian Hao
Degree: MA
Advisor: Xiao, Ningchuan
Title: A geospatial web approach to exploring online epidemiological information
Name: Myung Jin Kim
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Xiao, Ningchuan
Title: Optimization approaches to political redistricting problems.
Name: Austin Kocher
Degree: MA
Advisor: Coleman, Mathew
Title: Inside Interior Immigration Enforcement: Understanding Policing and Removals from 287(g) Counties
Name: Ryan Lauritsen*
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Rogers, Jeff
Title: Environmental factors influencing 20th century diurnal temperature range variations
Name: Christy Rogers
Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Thomas, Mary
Title: From Gautreaux to MTO: Racial Discipline and Neoliberal Governance in Housing Policy
Name: Dan Steinhoff*
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Bromwich, David
Title: Dynamics and Variability of Foehn Winds in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica.
Name: Mollie-Marie Workman
Degree: MA
Advisor: Becky Mansfield
Title: The implications of good food: urban entrepreneurialism, creative class development, and the creation of an urban amenity in Columbus, Ohio.
Name: Heeyoun You
Degree: MA
Advisor: Brown, Lawrence
Title: Korean-US Free Trade Agreement and its impacts in the Korean agricultural sector
Name: Nurcan Atalan-Helicke
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Becky Mansfield
Title: The seeds of change: the state, the politics of development, and conservation in neoliberal Turkey.
Name: Sayoni Bose
Degree: MA
Advisor: Kevin Cox
Title: Universities and the Land Use Politics of the Post-Industrial City
Name: Jerrica Decker*
Degree: MA
Advisor: Jason Box
Title: Remote Sensing of the Climate and Cryosphere of Nares Strait, Northwest Greenland
Name: Michael Ewers
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Ed Malecki
Title: The Acquisition of Human Capital for Transition in the Arab Gulf States.
Name: Erik Fraza
Degree: MA
Advisor: Jialin Lin
Title: The Global 3-Dimensional Structure of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation
Name: Christopher Hartmann
Degree: MA
Advisor: Kendra McSweeney
Title: Accessing Trash: Conflict, Inequality, and the Managua Municipal Waste Site.
Name: Tim Hawthorne
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Mei-Po Kwan
Title: A People-Centered GIS Analysis of Healthcare Accessibility and Quality-of-Care.
Name: Justine Law
Degree: MA
Advisor: Kendra McSweeney
Title: Building Future Forests: Politics, Ecology, and the Co-Production of Landscape in Southeastern Ohio.
Name: Craig Lewis
Degree: MA
Advisor: Ed Malecki
Title: The Lasting Legacy of the Olympic Games: Focusing on Future Impacts.
Name: Jun Li
Degree: MA
Advisor: Desheng Liu, Mei-Po Kwan
Title: Spatial-temporal modeling of ambient PM concentration in Ohio and Franklin County.
Name: April Luginbuhl Mather
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Becky Mansfield
Title: The Role of Additionality in Shaping Actions within Environmental Service Markets.
Name: Rachel Mauk*
Degree: MA
Advisor: Jay Hobgood
Title: Tropical Cyclone Formation in Environments with Cool SSTs and High Wind Shear over the Northeastern Atlantic Ocean (1975-2005).
Name: Scott Melaragno*
Advisor: Jialin Lin
Title: The Global 3-Dimensional Structure for the Developmental Phase of ENSO
Name: Sara Nicholson
Degree: MA
Advisor: Kendra McSweeney
Title: Deep Roots, Rotten Fruit: Elitism, Power, and Economic Development in Appalachian Ohio.
Name: Zoe Pearson
Degree: MA
Advisor: Kendra McSweeney
Title: Environmental Security in the Ecuadorian Amazon: Waorani, Oil and Environment.
Name: Jaclyn Sineri
Degree: MA
Advisor: N/A
Title: N/A
Name: Lili Wang
Degree: MA
Advisor: Kevin Cox
Title: Artful Exploitation and Rightful Resistance: Conflicts around living space in Chinese neostatism.
Name: Aaron Wilson*
Degree: MA
Advisor: David Bromwich
Title: Enhancement of Polar WRF atmospheric and surface processes: an annual simulation
Name: Theresa Wong
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Joel Wainwright
Title: Making the Mekong: Nature, Region, Postcoloniality.
Name: Yibo Zhang
Degree: MA
Advisor: Desheng Liu
Title: Examining the Effects of Sampling Scheme and Spatial