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Name: Yue-Hong Chou
Degree: MA
Advisor: Taaffe, E.J.
Title: A Transportation Impact Study of Appalachian Ohio
Name: Robert Wayne Cobb
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Analysis of Migratory Responses for Inmigration And Outmigration
Name: Michael H. Fleming
Degree: MA
Advisor: Demko, G.J.
Title: Multiple-Scale Probability Mapping
Name: Joseph D. Harvath
Degree: MA
Advisor: Semple, K.
Title: A Location Theory of The Sugar Refining Industry: The Case of The United States
Name: Steven J. Kempler*
Degree: MA
Advisor: Rayner, J.N.
Title: Predicting Winter Temperatures And Variability for Ohio from 700 mb Contour Patterns
Name: Susan B. Litzinger
Degree: MA
Advisor: Gauthier, H.L.
Title: An Empirical Investigation of Salient Travel Mode Attributes
Name: Jeffrey J. McCarthy
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Cox, K.R.
Title: Class Community And Conflict Over The Urban Environment Under Advanced Capitalism
Name: Ronald Mitchelson
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Gauthier, H.L.
Title: An Examination of The Psychophysical Function in Travel Mode Choice Behavior
Name: Ellen Mosley-Thompson*
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Rayner, J.N.
Title: 911 Years of Microparticle Deposition at The South Pole: A Climatic Interpretation
Name: Frank Zygmund Nartowicz
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Cox, K.R.
Title: An Examination of Socio-Economic Differences Concerning Preferences for Residential Attributes
Name: Scott F. Turner
Degree: MA
Advisor: Moellering, H.
Title: An Interactive Choropleth Mapping System
Name: Sent Visser
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Casetti, E.
Title: Spatial Dynamics of Agricultural Intensity
Name: Daniel L. Wise*
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Rayner, J.N.
Title: Techniques to Estimate The Surface Wind Field And Associated Wave Characteristics on Lake Erie
Name: Henry Zimon
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Gauthier/Demko
Title: U.S. Regional Inequalities 1950-1978 A Multi-Scale/Multi-Regional Inquiry into The Patterns And Processes
Name: Andrew Bodman
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Demko, G.J.
Title: Residential Mobility And Residential Choice Conceptual Model And Empirical Analysis
Name: Robert G. Cromley
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Osleeb, J.
Title: A Methodology for Solving Multi-Plant Location Problems
Name: Ellen L. Krajkovic
Degree: MA
Advisor: Cox, K.R.
Title: The Impact of School Busing on Housing Prices
Name: John T. Matson
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Cox, K.R.
Title: The Distribution of Elementary School Expenditures
Name: Mark Woodall
Degree: MA
Advisor: Brown, S.E.
Title: School Desegregation and the Bounded Transportation Problem
Name: Richard E. Zeller
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: A Study of The Selection of Multiple Locations for Consumer Oriented Facilities
Name: Henry A. Zimon
Degree: MA
Advisor: Demko, G.J.
Title: Regional Inequalities in Poland: 1960-1975
Name: Ashlyn D. Adrian
Degree: MA
Advisor: Golledge, R.G.
Title: Urban Cognitions of The Mentally Retarded: A Review and Proposal for Research
Name: Colin J. Adrian
Degree: MA
Advisor: Casetti, E.
Title: Spatial Differentials in Labor Productivity: A Review and Conceptualization
Name: Blaine S. Ball
Degree: MA
Advisor: Gauthier, H.L./ Demko
Title: Interregional Migration in the U.S.S.R.
Name: Milford B. Green
Degree: MA
Advisor: Brown, S.E.
Title: An Examination of Appalachian Ohio Hospital Locations
Name: Marilyn A. Brown
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: The Role of Diffusion Agencies in Innovation Adoption A Behavioral Approach
Name: Joseph E. Doodan
Degree: MA
Advisor: Semple, K.
Title: An Allocation-Location Analysis of Central Medical Facilities Providing Extraordinary Services to Partially Indeterminate Clientele
Name: Thomas Anthony Maraffa
Degree: MA
Advisor: Taaffe, E.J.
Title: Commuting to Metropolitan Center And Highway Accessibility, 1960-1970
Name: David S. Misko
Degree: MA
Advisor: ZumBrunnen, C.
Title: Water Quality Management: A B0D Cost Allocation Model
Name: Ronald Mitchelson
Degree: MA
Advisor: Gauthier, H.L.
Title: Attributal Trade-Off and Indifference Analysis in Modal Selection
Name: Charles C. Oldham
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Gauthier, H.L.
Title: The Effect of The Spatial Scale of Movement on Intra-Urban Travel Demand Functions
Name: Claire L. Parkinson*
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Rayner, J.N.
Title: A Numerical Simulation of The Annual Cycle of Sea Ice in The Arctic And Antarctic
Name: Jeffrey Richetto
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Semple, K.
Title: A Multi-State Analysis of A Quasi-Private Location Problem
Name: Matthew Jay Sagers
Degree: MA
Advisor: Brown, S.E.
Title: An Economic History Perspective on Innovation Diffusion
Name: Rita M. Schneider
Degree: MA
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: The Diffusion of An Innovation in A Developing Country: The Case of The Cooperative Movement in Sierra Leone
Name: Ira M. Sheskin
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Osleeb, J.
Title: A Planning Model of The Natural Gas Pipeline Network
Name: Aron N. Spector
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Golledge, R.G.
Title: An Analysis of Urban Spatial Imagery
Name: Karen P. Walby
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Cox, K.R.
Title: The Impact of Jurisdictional Differentials in Public Education Provision on Residential Location
Name: Mauricio Almelde Abreu
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Gauthier, H.L.
Title: Migration Urban Labor Absorption And Occupational Mobility in Brazil
Name: John A. Agnew
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Cox, K.R.
Title: Public Policy And The Spatial Form of The City The Case of Public Housing Location
Name: Evelyn Carole Anderson*
Degree: MA
Advisor: Arnfield, A.J.
Title: Absorption of Solar Radiation to The Urban Surface: An Analysis for Columbus, Ohio, Using Measurement And Modeling
Name: William H. Berentsen
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Gauthier, H.L./Demko
Title: Regional Policy And Regional Inequalities in Australia The Impact of Policy Upon The Achievement of Planning Goals
Name: Howard S. Biel
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Gauthier, H.L.
Title: Classificatory Models of Urban Journey-to-Work Mode Choice Disaggregate Behavioral Attitudinal And Socio-Economic Approaches
Name: James M. Dowdy
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Hunker, H.L.
Title: An Analysis of Policy Directions for Land Use in Ohio
Name: Richard (Simon) Harris
Degree: MA
Advisor: Cox, K.R.
Title: Gentrification in The Inner City: Conceptualization And Empirical Evidence
Name: Paul Herr
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Cox, K.R.
Title: The Differential Decline of Middle And Upper Class Neighborhoods in Central Cities of the United States Pattern And Process
Name: Jay S. Hobgood*
Degree: MA
Advisor: Rayner, J.N.
Title: An Examination of The Sensitivity of A Three Dimensional Tropical Cyclone Model to Changes in Surface Parameterization
Name: Francine Klodawsky
Degree: MA
Advisor: Cox, K.R.
Title: Factors Influencing The Extent of Fiscal Disparities Within Urban Areas
Name: Charles Morrow-Jones
Degree: MA
Advisor: Gauthier, H.L.
Title: A Geographical Perspective on Solutions to The Shortest Route Problems
Name: Hazel Ann Morrow-Jones
Degree: MA
Advisor: Demko, G.J.
Title: The Federal Housing Administration's Mortgage Insurance Program: A Preliminary Evaluation
Name: Timothy Lee Nyerges
Degree: MA
Advisor: Golledge, R.G.
Title: Cognitions of Socio-Psychological Stress And The Cognitive Image of Accessibility
Name: Victoria Rivizzigno
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Golledge, R.G.
Title: Cognitive Representations of An Urban Area
Name: Allen L. White
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Gauthier, H.L./Cox, K.R.
Title: The Impact of Metropolitan Fiscal Consolidation on The Distribution of Income The Case of Lima Peru
Name: Robert G. Cromley
Degree: MA
Advisor: Osleeb, J.
Title: An Algorithm for Solving The Location-Production-Allocation Problem with Non-Linear Production Costs
Name: Pat Gober
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Gauthier, H.L./Demko
Title: Regional Economic Growth And Interregional Migration in the U.S. from 1965-70
Name: Edward Malecki
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Innovation Diffusion Among Firms
Name: Maria de Nazarre Oliveira
Degree: MA
Advisor: Gauthier, H.L.
Title: Internal Migration and The Urban Labor Market: The Cases of Northeastern And Southeastern Brazil
Name: Dan Perin
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Semple, K.
Title: Spatial Income Inequalities in the U.S., 1953-72
Name: Harlan Smolin
Degree: MA
Advisor: Taaffe, E.J.
Title: The Structure And Pattern of Commuting in Central Ohio
Name: Ellen Thompson*
Degree: MA
Advisor: Rayner, J.N.
Title: Investigation of The Nature of The Micro-Particles from The Byrd Station, Antarctica, Deep Ice Core And Their Relationship to The Climate of That Period
Name: Grant Thrall
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Casetti, E./Golledge
Title: A Geographic Theory of A Public Economy in Spatial Equilibrium
Name: Michael Wasilenko
Degree: MA
Advisor: Moellering, H.
Title: An Information Theoretic Approach to The Derivation of Classes for Choropleth Maps
Name: Forrest Williams
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Casetti, E.
Title: An Algorithm for The Solution of the Hierarchical Facility Location Problem
Name: Alan John Campbell
Degree: MA
Advisor: Cox, K.R.
Title: An Analysis of Preferences for Environmental Preservation
Name: Jerome McClaine Clemens*
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Rayner, J.N.
Title: Estimates in The Mixed Space-Time Domain of The Conversion of Kinetic Energy Between The Mean Flow And The Eddies in The Great Lakes Atmosphere
Name: Richard Joseph Darwin
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Golledge, R.G.
Title: Geography Economic Development And Spatial Policy
Name: Richard Miles Davis
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Hunker, H.L.
Title: Development And Application of An Economic-Environmental Trade-Off Model for Land Use Planning
Name: Linwood Harton
Degree: MA
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: The Relationship Between Commuting And Migration
Name: John Holmes
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: The Spatial Properties of Urban Interaction Spaces
Name: John Francis Jakubs
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Ghetto Dispersal And Suburban Reaction
Name: Claire L. Parkinson*
Degree: MA
Advisor: Rayner, J.N.
Title: Shortwave Albedo Over Waving Water Surfaces
Name: Jeffrey Richetto
Degree: MA
Advisor: Semple, K.
Title: Environmental Perception And The Location of Electric Generating Facilities: An Information Theoretic Approach
Name: Aron. N. Spector
Degree: MA
Advisor: Brown, L.A./Golledge
Title: Acquaintance Circles And Commmunication: An Exploration of Hypotheses Relating to Innovation Adoption
Name: Mauricio Almelde Abreu
Degree: MA
Advisor: Gauthier, H.L.
Title: Regional Development in Brazil: A Centre-Periphery Approach
Name: John A. Agnew
Degree: MA
Advisor: Cox, K.R.
Title: Territorial Organization: A Conceptualization And Empirical Tests
Name: Thomas E. Bell
Degree: MA
Advisor: Gauthier, H.L.
Title: Potential of An Urban Demand Responsive Transportation System for Columbus, Ohio
Name: Andrew Bodman
Degree: MA
Advisor: Cox, K.R.
Title: National and Local Components of Voting Response Surfaces
Name: Frederick A. Day
Degree: MA
Advisor: Demko, G.J.
Title: Child Spacing Trends in The U.S: 1954-1970
Name: Robert Quentin Hanham
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Diffusion of Innovation from A Supply Perspective An Application to The Artificial Insemination of Cattle in Southern Sweden
Name: George Andrew Huzinec
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Demko, G.J.
Title: A Conceptualization of The Spatial Model of Soviet Economic Development
Name: Richard C. Jones
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Gauthier, H.L.
Title: A Target Planning Model for Regional Crop Allocation The Western Llanos of Venezuela
Name: Edward J. Malecki
Degree: MA
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Diffusion Processes: An Application of Expanded Logistic Models
Name: Zoran Roca
Degree: MA
Advisor: Demko, G.J.
Title: A Geometrical Approach to The Measurement of Age Structure
Name: Allen L. White
Degree: MA
Advisor: Gauthier, H.L.
Title: A Development Strategy for New England: The Case for Growth Zones
Name: Georgia Zannaras
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Golledge, R.G.
Title: An Analysis of Cognitive And Objective Characteristics of The City Their Influence on Movements to The City Center
Name: William Vaughn Ackerman
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Gauthier, H.L.
Title: A Spatial Strategy of Development for Cuyo Argentina
Name: William H. Berentsen
Degree: MA
Advisor: Demko, G.J.
Title: Interregional Migration And Economic Development
Name: A. Brainerd
Degree: MA
Advisor: Demko, G.J.
Title: The Territorial-Production Complex
Name: Ronald R.G. Briggs
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Golledge, R.G.
Title: Cognitive Distance in Urban Space
Name: Pat Gober
Degree: MA
Advisor: Gauthier, H.L.
Title: Regularities in The Perpersity for Yugoslavian Labor Migration
Name: Michael A. Godkin
Degree: MA
Advisor: Cox, K.R.
Title: Movement in A Territorial Context: An Investigation And Empirical Tests
Name: Budd Hansel Hebert
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Taaffe, E.J.
Title: Spatial Analysis of Domestic United States Air Passenger Traffic A Network Analysis Approach
Name: Paul Esmond King
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Social Indicators And Social Welfare Columbus Ohio
Name: Gerald E. McCalden
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Casetti, E.
Title: Review of Macrogeographical Concepts
Name: John J.M. Odland
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Casetti, E.
Title: Polarized Growth with A Central Place System
Name: Dudley Onderdonk
Degree: MA
Advisor: Youngmann, C.
Title: Not Applicable
Name: John Robert Ray
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Hunker, H.L.
Title: Attitude Toward Surface Mining for Coal And Reclamation in Ohio A Spatial Analysis
Name: Douglas A. Scorrar
Degree: MA
Advisor: Semple, K.
Title: Trading Blocs and Their Impact on World Trade
Name: Steven Sicklick
Degree: MA
Advisor: Youngmann, C.
Title: An Ecological Analysis of Infant Casualty
Name: Karen P. Walby
Degree: MA
Advisor: Demko, G.J.
Title: Residential Segregation And Housing Prices
Name: Richard E. Zeller
Degree: MA
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Diffusion in Conflict: A Competing Species Model
Name: David John Cowen
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Dynamic Aspects of Urban Industrial Location
Name: Jerry Mallory Davis*
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Rayner, J.N.
Title: Meridional Transport of Sensible Heat in The Atmosphere And Its Relation to Travelling Wave Systems
Name: Ronald F. Doyle
Degree: MA
Advisor: Brown, S.E.
Title: Not available
Name: John Michael Griffin
Degree: MA
Advisor: Semple, K.
Title: A Macrogeographical Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Trends in Industrial Dispersion: The Case of The American Textile Industry
Name: Robert Quentin Hanham
Degree: MA
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Diffusion Through an Urban System: The Testing of Related Hypothesis
Name: Fred Eric Kohler
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Hunker, H.L.
Title: A Linear Programming Approach to Water Supply Alternatives
Name: Charles William Minshall
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Hunker, H.L.
Title: A Model of Residential Site Selection The Jewish Population of Columbus Ohio
Name: William Anthony Muraco
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Brown, S.E.
Title: Transport Accessibility As A Contemporary Factor of Industrial Location: A Comparative Analysis of The Indianapolis And Columbus Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas
Name: Eze Ogbueri Ajoku Nwala
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Spatial Patterns of Institutional Innovations Within A Modernizing Society
Name: Forrest Williams
Degree: MA
Advisor: Casetti, E.
Title: The Relationship of Urbanization and Economic Development
Name: Howard S. Biel
Degree: MA
Advisor: Cox, K.R.
Title: Transactional Flows and the Influence Behavior Between Nations: The Middle East Situation
Name: Donald Demko
Degree: PhD
Advisor: King, L.J.
Title: Not available
Name: John Francis Jakubs
Degree: MA
Advisor: King, L.J.
Title: A Method for Analyzing Spatial Diffusion of an Innovation Through a System of Human Settlement
Name: Douglas Jeffrey
Degree: PhD
Advisor: King, L.J.
Title: Economic Impulses in An Urban System
Name: Shuh-Chai J.N. Lee*
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Rayner, J.N.
Title: Vapor Transfer in The Atmosphere And Its Relation to The Water Balance in The Ohio River Basin 1970
Name: Yuk Lee
Degree: PhD
Advisor: King, L.J.
Title: Two Stochastic Models of The Geometric Pattern of Urban Landscapes
Name: John McIver
Degree: MA
Advisor: Cox, K.R.
Title: Social Contagion and the Political Neighborhood: Some Considerations
Name: Peter Edward Murphy
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Golledge, R.G.
Title: A Study of the Influence of Attitude As A Behavioral Parameter of The S Choice Pattern of Consumers
Name: George J. Papageorgiou
Degree: PhD
Advisor: King, L.J.
Title: A Generalization of The Population Density Concept
Name: Arlene (Cutshell) Rengert
Degree: MA
Advisor: Golledge, R.G.
Title: Factors Related to Vacation Behavior
Name: Virginia Sharp
Degree: MA
Advisor: Demko, G.J.
Title: The 1970 Postal Strike: The Behavioral Element in Spatial Diffusion
Name: Stephen L. Smith
Degree: MA
Advisor: Van Doren
Title: Not available
Name: David C. Sweet
Degree: PhD
Advisor: King, L.J.
Title: Development And Application of An Industry Potential Model