Alumni 2020-2029

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Use the links below to find alumni from the year you're interested in on this page.  Names with an asterisk * beside them indicate that the individual earned their degree in Atmospheric Sciences.



Name: John Layman

Degree: MA
Advisor: Miller, Harvey
Title: Analyzing Accessibility Impacts of Proposed Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Columbus, OH

Name: Xiaoyu Liang

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Liu, Desheng
Title: Understanding Human-Wildfire Interaction in Alaska – A Socioecological Perspective

Name: Lingyu Ouyang

Degree: MA
Advisor: Xiao, Ningchuan
Title: Exploring the impact of land cover on fowl cholera and ornithobateriosis outbreaks: a case study of Midwestern commercial poultry farms

Name: Rojika Sharma

Degree: MA
Advisor: Dutta, Madhumita
Title: Digital Placemaking: Cultivating belonging by and for Bhutanese refugees in central Ohio

Name: Adam Tjoelker

Degree: MA
Advisor: Mark, Bryan
Title: Applications of Drone Photogrammetry and Drone-based Ground Penetrating Radar for Investigating Rock Glaciers and Debris-covered Glaciers



Name: Yuntao Bao

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Liu, Zhengyu
Title: Climate Footprint of Stable Water Isotopes in Tropical South America During the Last Deglaciation

Name: Rebecca Chapman

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Montenegro, Alvaro
Title: More-than-human geographies of Midwest fisheries and aquaculture

Name: Armita Kar

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Le, Huyen & Miller, Harvey
Title: Inclusive Accessibility: Integrating person-based hard and soft constraints into transportation planning

Name: Anisa Kline

Degree: PhD
Advisor: McSweeney, Kendra
Title: Welcoming the Guest: the Lives and Experiences of H-2A Workers in Ohio

Name: Katie Krupala

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Dutta, Madhumita
Title: Unpacking the Central Ohio Community Land Trust: A Feminist Urban Geography Lens.

Name: Lingwei Li

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Liu, Zhengyu
Title: Understanding Deglaciation Changes of Global Deep Ocean Circulation and Paleo Geotracers in Earth System Models.

Name: Yue Lin

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Xiao, Ningchuan
Title: Privacy and Utility of Geographic Data: Revealing, Evaluating, and Mitigating the Externalities of Geographic Privacy Protection

Name: Luyu Liu

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Miller, Harvey
Title: Accessibility in motion: Measuring real-time accessibility with high-resolution data

Name: Ethan Lucas

Degree: MA
Advisor: Liu, Desheng
Title: Integrating Satellite-Derived Spectral, Spatial, and Structural Information for Arctic Shrub Classification

Name: Ben Salopek*

Degree: MS
Advisor: Houser, Jana
Title: A Climatology of High Shear-Low CAPE Tornadic Events in the Ohio Valley

Name: Jian Wang

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Liu, Desheng
Title: Responses and Feedbacks of Vegetation Greening to Permafrost Degradation Under Climate Change

Name: Tianqi Zhang

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Liu, Desheng
Title: Advancing Multi-dimensional Boreal Forest Mapping through Satellite-based Analysis of Forest Cover, Forest Height, and Timberline



Name: Alejandro Andonaegui

Degree: MA
Advisor: Ettlinger, Nancy
Title: Security Culture, Abolition and a Diversity of Tactics: Digital-Physical Resistance in Portland.

Name: Jialin Li

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Xiao, Ningchuan
Title: Computational Cartographic Recognition: Exploring the Use of Machine Learning and Other Computational Approaches to Map Reading

Name: Yuchen Li

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Miller, Harvey
Title: Spatial-temporal methods for understanding the dynamics of the opioid overdose epidemic and its community context

Name: Megan Lindstrom

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Le, Huyen
Title: The Changing Landscape of Deaths of Despair in Ohio from 2015-2020

Name: Max Martin

Degree: MA
Advisor: Madsen, Kenneth
Title: Accessing the Inaccessible: A Meta-Synthesis of Contemporary Ethnographic Research on the Far Right.

Name: Emilio Mateo

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Mark, Bryan
Title: Hydrological shifts and the role of debris-covered glaciers in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru.

Name: Alyssa Reynolds*

Degree: MS
Advisor: Quiring, Steven
Title: Case Study Analyses of Two Ohio EF4 Tornadoes from 5 June 2010 and 27 May 2019

Name: Tal Shutkin

Degree: MA
Advisor: Mark, Bryan
Title: Multi-Temporal Glacier-Climate Interactions in Peru’s Queshque Valley (~10S): Modeling Contemporary Glacier Change and Interpreting Geomorphic Evidence of the Holocene Climate History.



Name: Chengfei He

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Liu, Zhengyu
Title: Deciphering the deglacial evolution of water isotope and climate in the Northern Hemisphere

Name: Alex Ihle

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Mark, Bryan
Title: Post-Depositional Effects Modifying the Relationships Between Stable Isotopes and Air Temperature in an Alpine Ice Core

Name: Zack Leasor

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Quiring, Steven
Title: Utilizing Antecedent Soil Moisture to Improve Monthly Temperature Forecasts

Name: Jenny McGibbon

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Coleman, Mat
Title: SESTA/FOSTA, Sex Work, and the State, examines recent U.S. anti-trafficking legislation and its impact on sex work.

Name: Sohyun Park

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Munroe, Darla
Title: Nationalized Seed and Globalized Land: Analysis on the Emerging Intensive Horticulture in the Korean Strawberry Industry

Name: Ariel Rawson

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Mansfield, Becky
Title: Black fungibility and the PosthuMan: Becoming microbial geographies

Name: Joshua Steiner *

Degree: MS
Advisor: Quiring, Steven
Title: A Regional Comparison of Bomb Cyclones in the Central Plains and Western Atlantic

Name: John Temmen

Degree: MS
Advisor: Montenegro, Alvaro
Title: Floating the Sweet Potato to Polynesia: Considering the feasibility of oceanic drift for the prehistoric introduction of the sweet potato (Ipomea Batatas) to Polynesia

Name: Yuechun Wang

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Quiring, Steven
Title: Investigating Soil Moisture–Precipitation Feedback on the North American Monsoon System



Name: Blake Acton

Degree: MA
Advisor: Miller, Harvey
Title: The Effect of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) on Property Values: A Comparison of Multiple Systems in the United States

Name: Polina Berezina

Degree: MA
Advisor: Liu, Desheng
Title: Enhancing Hurricane Damage Assessment from Satellite Images Using Deep Learning.

Name: Guillermo Bervejillo

Degree: Ph.D.
Advisor: Wainwright, Joel
Title: A New Dependency? On the Economic Geography of China-Latin America Relations.

Name: Bernard Hayman

Degree: MA
Advisor: Ettlinger, Nancy
Title: Community, Identity, and Agency in the Age of Big Social Data: A Place-Based Study on Literacies, Perceptions, and Responses of Digital Engagement.

Name: Young Jaegal

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Miller, Harvey
Title: Measuring the similarity of network-time prisms and field-time prisms.

Name: Sam Kay

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Woodworth, Max
Title: Uprooting People, Planting Trees: Environmental Scarcity Politics and Urban Greening in Beijing.

Name: Jinhyung Lee

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Miller, Harvey
Title: Building ladders of opportunity: Understanding the impacts of new mobility services on space-time accessibility

Name: Rohit Mukherjee

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Liu, Desheng
Title: Improving Satellite Data Quality and Availability: A Deep Learning Approach.

Name: Deondre Smiles

Degree: PhD
Advisor: McSweeney, Kendra
Title: 'Decolonized Afterlife': Towards a New Understanding of the Political Processes Surrounding Indigenous Death.

Name: Zhihao Wang

Degree: MA
Advisor: Liu, Desheng
Title: Land Cover Classification on Satellite Image Time Series Using Deep Learning Models.

Name: Ning Zhang

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Quiring, Steven
Title: Soil Moisture Mapping in South Central United States by blending In-situ, Modeled and Remote Sensing Data

Name: Chen Zhao

Degree: PhD
Advisor: Quiring, Steven
Title: Impact of Initial Soil Moisture on the Accuracy of Runoff Simulation

Name: Yuxiao Zhao

Degree: MA
Advisor: Xiao, Ningchuan
Title: Multimodal and Multiobjective Routing Using 3D Networks: A Case Study of the Ohio State University Campus

Name: Jerry (Xun) Zou*

Degree: PhD
Advisors: Bromwich, David & Alvaro Montenegro
Title: Investigation of Surface Melting in West Antarctica