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Name: Mike Carmody
Degree: MA
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: Detailed Spatial Analysis of Logistic Distribution Systems
Name: David Dzikowski
Degree: MA
Advisor: Jackson, R.W.
Title: Production Structure in the American Midwest: A Comparative State Analysis
Name: Kristen Gibson
Degree: MA
Advisor: Pellegrini, P.
Title: An analysis of repeat homeowners and their mobility factors: A case study of Columbus, Ohio
Name: Frank Hardisty
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: Visualizing Monte Carlo simulation of univariate spatial point patterns
Name: Philip Hisnay
Degree: MA
Advisor: Robbins, P.
Title: Economic and Socio-Cultural Impacts of the Tourist Food Industry in Pokhara, Nepal
Name: Changjoo Kim
Degree: MA
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: An Examination of the Asian Air Transport System
Name: Hongxing Liu
Degree: PhD
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: Generation and refinement of a continental scale digital elevation model by integrating cartographic and remotely sensed data A GIS-based approach
Name: Diane C. Marcil
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: The integration of GIS and environmental process models: An oil spill trajectory study
Name: Maurice McHugh*
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Rogers, J.C.
Title: Precipitation over Southern Africa and global scale atmospheric circulation during Boreal winter
Name: Jennifer Mitchell
Degree: MA
Advisor: Cox, K.R.
Title: Reconceptualizing local specificity: The case of New Orleans
Name: Stephen Mulherin
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Smith, W.R.
Title: White poverty concentration in America's largest metropolitan areas 1980-1990
Name: Firooza Pavri
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Tragedies in State Commons Macro Forest Policies Local Influence and Deforestation in the Western Ghats of India
Name: Michael Scott Ryan-Hart
Degree: MA
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: Hurricane Evacuation Route Generation Using a Geographic Information System
Name: Kevin Weakley*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Hobgood, J.
Title: A comparison study between actual intensities and predicted maximum potential intensities (MPIs) of tropical cyclones during 1998
Name: David Wheeler
Degree: MA
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: Network Design for a Globally Expanding Internet
Name: Hong Xu
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: Modeling Household Accessibility to Urban Functions via Public Transportation: A Case Study of Tuscon, Arizona
Name: Kenneth Yetzer*
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Hobgood, J.
Title: Modeling the interaction between plant canopies and the planetary boundary layer using a new 1D multi-layer soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer (SVAT) scheme combined with a non-local turbulence closure model
Name: Ross Patrick Beyer
Degree: MA
Advisor: Smith, W.R.
Title: Local Variation in Section 8 Housing, Franklin County, Ohio
Name: Perry Carter
Degree: PhD
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: Spatial Consumption Decision-Making Six Studies of Restaurant Choice
Name: Jason Feldman
Degree: MA
Advisor: Pellegrini, P.
Title: Intermetropolitan migration destination choices of primary, return and onward migrants: An individual and household level study from the U.S. PUMS
Name: Suzanne Langlois
Degree: MA
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: Accessibility of Employment Centers to Welfare Recipients in the Columbus, Ohio Metropolitan Area
Name: Sal LiCausi
Degree: MA
Advisor: Pellegrini, P.
Title: A Geographical Analysis of New York-to-Florida Elderly Interstate Migration, 1965-1990: Migrant Characteristics, Settlement History, and Selectivity
Name: Kimberly O'Conner*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Rayner, J.N.
Title: Cloud Patterns in the Northern Hemisphere Tropics: Hurricane Season, 1991
Name: Jamie Rulli
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Labao, L./Brown, L.A.
Title: Restructured Communities and Well-Being Infant Deaths and Industrial Change in the Ohio River Vallery 1970-90
Name: David Smith
Degree: MA
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: A Geographical Examination of High-Risk Cancer Areas in the State of Ohio, 1984-1994
Name: Cynthia Sorrenson
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Biomass burning in tropical ecosystems An analysis of land settlement and use to assess burning patterns in the Brazilian Amazon
Name: Chris Starrett
Degree: MA
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Export Processing Zones and Privatization: Development for the Caribbean
Name: Chung-Chieh Wang*
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Rogers, J.C.
Title: A Study of the rapid development of cyclones at high latitudes over the North Atlantic
Name: Derek West*
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Hobgood, J.
Title: The Use of Satellite Microwave Rainfall Measurements to Predict Eastern North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Intensity
Name: Fernando J. Bosco
Degree: MA
Advisor: Ettlinger, N.
Title: Revisiting Development: Economic growth, social change, and state-society relations in Argentina And Taiwan
Name: Deborah Bryan
Degree: PhD
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: Flow Economies of Scale and the Hub Location Problem
Name: Alan Edmonds
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Moellering, H.
Title: A Framework for Formal Specifications of the Cartographic User Interface
Name: Jason Ehas
Degree: MA
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: The use of geographic information systems in solving problems in emergency service delivery in Twinsburg, Ohio
Name: Brendon Hoch*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Hobgood, J.
Title: An Evaluation of A One-Way Coupled Atmosphere-Lake Model for Lake Erie
Name: Mike Holtzclaw
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Smith, W.R.
Title: Understanding the Relationship Between Employment and Socio-Economic Structures on Population Growth A Case Study of the Pacific Northwest 1970-1990
Name: Sang-Ki Hong
Degree: PhD
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: Development and Proof-of-Concept of an Interactive Visualization System for The Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Linear Point Data
Name: Xiaodong Hong
Degree: MA
Advisor: Kwan, M-P.
Title: Modelling physical and individual accessibility within GIS: An analysis of urban structure in Franklin County, Ohio
Name: Luksamee Jeawetchasil
Degree: MA
Advisor: Kwan, M-P.
Title: Geographic information systems (GIS) application as a spatial decision support system (SDSS) for dinner restaurant site selection and evaluation
Name: Norman Kerle
Degree: MA
Advisor: Olson, J.
Title: Paradise unleashed: Tourist vulnerability to natural hazards in the Phillippines, and economic consequences of Tourism Decline following a natural disaster
Name: Neil MacKinnon
Degree: MA
Advisor: Mosley-Thompson, E.
Title: The Application of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System Technologies to The Monitoring of Montane Glaciers: A Case Study of The Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru
Name: Kevin Petty*
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Hobgood, J.
Title: The effects of synoptic factors on the intensities of tropical cyclones over the eastern North Pacific
Name: Donna Rogers
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Holloway, S.
Title: Space Place and Mammography Utilization
Name: Douglas Stoll
Degree: MA
Advisor: Ettlinger, N.
Title: Independent trade union movement success: Poland and Mexico compared
Name: Timothy Vowles
Degree: MA
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: Predicting the probability of loss of commuter air service in the United States
Name: Mark T. Williamson
Degree: MA
Advisor: Holloway, S.
Title: Migration regions of the Rocky Mountain West
Name: Raju Das
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Cox, K.R.
Title: Local Politics The State And Uneven Development: The Case of India
Name: James Fields
Degree: MA
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: Graceland Shopping Center: A Trade Analysis
Name: Greg Hall
Degree: MA
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Regional Variation in the Structural Assimilation of Chicanos: The Effect of Migrant Type on Occupational Status
Name: Biyan Li
Degree: MA
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: Stochastic Spatial Diffusion Modelling in A GIS Environment
Name: Brett John Machovina
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: Modeling Pedestrian Mobility Across A Natural Landscape Using Geographic Information Systems
Name: Matthew Martinez
Degree: MA
Advisor: Cox, K.R.
Title: The European Union Trade Bloc and Its Effect on Economic Welfare
Name: Brian Mikelbank
Degree: MA
Advisor: Jackson, R.W.
Title: The Distribution And Economic Impacts of Public Infrastructure Investment in Ohio
Name: Jennifer Miller
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: A biogeographical investigation of raccoon-borne rabies in the Mid-Atlantic States
Name: Bradley A. Shellito
Degree: MA
Advisor: Kwan, M-P.
Title: Choosing destinations in an urban environment: A heuristic approach
Name: Shawn Trueman*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Rogers, J.C.
Title: Classification of Gulf of Mexico Wintertime Storms
Name: Jeffrey Baars*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Hobgood, J.
Title: A Numerical Study of Axisymmetric Tornadogenesis
Name: Kimberley Hayes Berger
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: Not Available
Name: Jens Blegvad*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Hobgood, J.
Title: A Study of The Dynamics of Lake Effect Snow And An Analysis of A Severe Lake Erie Lake Effect Snow Storm
Name: Harry Albert Bowman
Degree: PhD
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: Optimizing Transportion Infra-Structure Improvements for Networks under The Threat of Natural Hazards
Name: Paul Anthony Cannizzo
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: Application of GIS Technology to US Air Force Enlisted Recruiting: An Ohio Example
Name: Su-Chen Chien
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: An Application of Geographic Information System Technology to The Study of Single Family Residential Housing Values
Name: Scott Alan DiGiacinto
Degree: MA
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Migration Induced Change in Economic Structure And Placedemographics: The Ohio River Valley
Name: David Dougherty
Degree: MA
Advisor: Moellering, H.
Title: Numerical Terrain Analysis Using the 2-Dimensional Fourier Transform and Geometric Signatures
Name: Janine Dominique Graham
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: The United States Air Force Spatial Data Requirements Software Tool: A Case Study of A Model for Automating Spatial Data Requirements Definition
Name: Robert Hellstrom*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Mosley-Thompson, E.
Title: The Abrupt Spring Temperature Rise And Pressure Increase Over The Greenland Ice Sheet
Name: James Paul Herries
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: The Land-Grant Public University in A Competitive Market: An Evaluation of Freshman Enrollment Attraction of The Ohio State University
Name: Yo-Bin Ho
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Casetti, E.
Title: Modeling The Distribution And Shift of Chinese Americans in The United States - An Analysis by Trend Surface Expansion
Name: John Kelley*
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Hobgood, J.
Title: One-Way Coupled Atmospheric-Lake Model Forecasts for Lake Erie
Name: Clayton Scott Kie
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Casetti, E.
Title: An Assessment of The Real Effects of Flexibly Organized Production
Name: Sangcheol Kwon
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Metropolitan Labor Market Characteristics And Individual Earnings Attainment Whites Blacks Asians And Hispanics in Large US Metropolitan Areas
Name: Zhong Liu*
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Bromwich/Rogers
Title: Atmospheric Boundary Layer Dynamics Near Ross Island And Over West Antarctica
Name: Bryan Greenwood Mark*
Degree: MA
Advisor: Mosley-Thompson, E.
Title: Temporal & Spatial Analysis of South Pole Snow Accumulation
Name: Leslie David Montgomery
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: Temporal Geographic Information Systems Technology And Requirements: Where We Are Today
Name: Stephanie Kim Routh
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: A Strategy for The Integration of The Ohio EPA's Nonpoint Source Pollution Watershed Management Plan And Geographic Information Systems
Name: James Webster Saunders
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: Not Available
Name: Timothy Sedlock*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Hobgood, J.
Title: A Synoptic Analysis of Two 1992 MCC Occurrences Using Combined Data Sets
Name: Michael Jay Weingord
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: A Comparison of The Vector Product Format And Traditional Vector Data Models in Geographic Information Systems
Name: Luke Whitney*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Hobgood, J.
Title: The Relationship Between Sea Surface Temperature And Maximum Intensity of Tropical Cyclones in The Eastern North Pacific Ocean
Name: Christopher Bjorkman*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Hobgood, J.
Title: Meteorological Factors That Affect The Formation And Prediction of Aircraft Icing
Name: Jorge Carrasco*
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Bromwich/Rogers
Title: Dynamics of Mesoscale Cyclogenesis Adjacent to The Pacific Coast of Antarctica
Name: Robert Joseph Chabot
Degree: MA
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: Retail Saturation: A Review And Grocery Chain Example
Name: Jonathan Charles Comer
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Jackson, R.W.
Title: Regional Variations in U.S. Technology
Name: Joy C. Dingle
Degree: MA
Advisor: Ettlinger, N.
Title: Determinants of Fertility in Ecuador: A Case Study from The 1990 Ecuador Population Census
Name: Rong Fan
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: Recommendations on GIS Design Model Modifications Through A Case Study
Name: Luis Manuel Garcia
Degree: MA
Advisor: Medvedkov, Y.
Title: The Diffusion of Planned Superregional Shopping Centers Across The Urban American Landscape
Name: Young-Ok Kang
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Casetti, E./W.R.Smith
Title: An Empirical Study of Housevalue And Population Density by Expanded Regressions
Name: Paul Kinder
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: Revisiting Urban Population Density Functions: An Exemplary GIS-Based Approach
Name: Lin Liu
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: Exploration of Spatial Flow Patterns Using Projection Pursuit Methods And Dynamic Visualization
Name: Jennifer Leslie Mandel
Degree: MA
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Occupation, Economic Sector of Employment, Development And Regional Change in Third World Settings: Ecuador 1982-1990
Name: Merlin Marshall*
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Rogers, J.C.
Title: Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Variability And Its Relationship to Overlying Air Temperature Sea Level Pressure And 500 mB Teleconnections
Name: Janele McCall-Neubauer
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: Testing The Initial Phases of The Structured GIS Design Model; A Case Study Involving The Remedial Response Section of Ohio EPA's Division of Emergency And Remedial Response
Name: Eric Craig Neubauer
Degree: MA
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: Factors in Hub Location: An Analysis Using Probit And Logit Models
Name: Kevin Petty*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Hobgood, J.
Title: Mesoscale Structure of January And February 1993 Ohio Valley Cyclones: Role of Dynamical Forcing Mechanisms in The Formation of Precipitation Bands
Name: Donna Marie Rogers
Degree: MA
Advisor: Casetti, E.
Title: Hospital Market Areas: An Empirical Analysis
Name: James Rulli
Degree: MA
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Export Processing Zones And Costa Rican Industrialization: New Development Paths to The Same Old Place
Name: Eric Steven Schmid
Degree: MA
Advisor: Medvedkov, Y.
Title: Determining Major League Baseball Fan Regions and Predicting Total Revenues
Name: Dah Ming Shiah
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: Voice Recognition As An Aid to Geographic Data Entry
Name: Maldonado Rodrigo Sierra
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Land Use Strategies of Household Based Enterprises: The Timber Industry and Deforestation in Northwest Ecuador The Articulation of Market Forces National Policies And Local Conditions
Name: Cynthia Leigh Sorrensen
Degree: MA
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: A Micro-Regional Analysis of Land Use Trends in Ecuador: Implications for Environmental Studies And Natural Disasters
Name: Anthony Lawrence Verheyen
Degree: MA
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Spatial Characteristics of Economic Change: Shifting Patterns in Employment Concentration in The Ohio River Valley, 1980 to 1990
Name: David John Wilcox
Degree: MA
Advisor: Moellering, H.
Title: Direct Extraction of The Warntz Network from Grid Digital Elevation Models
Name: Kenneth Yetzer*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Hobgood, J.
Title: The Characteristics of Convective Storms: A Modeling Study of Early Cloud Development
Name: Eileen Anderson
Degree: MA
Advisor: Jackson, R.W.
Title: Municipal Fragmentation, Annexation, and Race:A Case Study of the Impact of Annexation on The Racial Balance of Columbus, Ohio
Name: Timothy Boyer*
Degree: MA
Advisor: Rogers, J.C.
Title: The Synoptic Climatology of Mesoscale Cyclogenesis in the Davis Strait Region
Name: Richard Bremer
Degree: MA
Advisor: DeMers, M.
Title: A Technique for The Quantification of Positional Error Distributions for Geographic Database Feature Classes
Name: Deborah Bryan
Degree: MA
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: Modeling Risk in Agriculture
Name: Yi-Fong Chen
Degree: MA
Advisor: Cox, K.R.
Title: Geopolitical Context and National Formation in Taiwan
Name: Bradley James Clay
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Ettlinger, N./Smith, W.R.
Title: Economic Control in The United States Regional And Urban Change 1977-1987
Name: Richard Southern Courtney
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Smith, W.R.
Title: Integrating Spatial And Hierarchical Approaches to The Study of The Population Turnaround Phenomenon A Case Study of The Upper Midwest
Name: Yang Du*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Bromwich, D.
Title: Simulation of Katabatic Winds Over West Antarctica And The Greenland Ice Sheet
Name: Steven M. Fearn
Degree: MA
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: New Age Elderly Retirement, A Study of Ten Magnet Communities
Name: Steven Fiorino*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Hobgood, J.
Title: On The Origins of Low-Level Tornadic Circulations Within The Remnants of Hurricane Andrew
Name: Jeffrey Gerth
Degree: MA
Advisor: DeMers, M.
Title: Towards Improved Spatial Analysis with Areal Units:The Use of GIS to Facilitate The Creation of Dasymetric Maps
Name: Zaiyong Gou
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: Scientific Visualization And Exploratory Data Analysis of A Large Spatial Flow Dataset
Name: Manuel Granados
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: An Expert System Approach to Cartographic Modelling
Name: Michael Holtzclaw
Degree: MA
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Understanding The Geography, Housing, and Mobility of Rural-Urban Migrants in Latin America Through Case Studies in Quito and Guayaquil, Ecuador
Name: Martin Hynes
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Ettlinger, N./O'Kelly, M.
Title: Competitive Advantage in A Local Economy The Relationship Between Productivity And Production Organisation in Columbus Ohio
Name: Ron Jason Klein
Degree: MA
Advisor: DeMers, M.
Title: A GIS Exploration of Inertia and Dynamismin Two Ohio Landscapes
Name: Yong Lao
Degree: PhD
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: Solving Large Scale Location-Spatial Interaction Models for Retail Analysis A GIS Supported Heuristic Approach
Name: Mark Listermann
Degree: MA
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Socially Marginalized Communities: An Interstate and Intermetropolitan Study of American Gays and Lesbians
Name: Murray McIntosh Low
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Cox, K.R.
Title: The Social Democratic Model And The American States A Study in Welfare State Geography
Name: Richard Moore
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: Institutional And Organizational Issues in GIS Implementation: A Design Perspective
Name: Una NiChaoimh*
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Rayner, J.
Title: The Influence of North American Snow Cover on Climate
Name: Jennifer Rosenthal
Degree: MA
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: High Speed Rail: To Be or Not?
Name: Douglas Wingate Royce
Degree: MA
Advisor: Hunker, H.L.
Title: Telecommunications And The Spatial Organization of Larger Service Sector Firms: The Example of Two Firms in The Online Services Industry
Name: Mary Jeannette Tabler
Degree: MA
Advisor: DeMers, M.
Title: Design and Implementation of a GIS Application for Site Selection of Sanitary Solid Waste Landfills
Name: Sabrina Taijerone*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Rogers, J.C.
Title: The Sea Breeze Convergence Zone And Its Relationship to Fair Weather Electricity in East Central Florida
Name: Qin Tang
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: A Dynamic Visualization Approach to The Exploration of Area-Based Spatial-Temporal Data
Name: Dara Lynn Thompson
Degree: MA
Advisor: Moellering, H.
Title: A Scale Variance Study of Two Types of Data
Name: Derek West*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Hobgood, J.
Title: Satellite Microwave Measurement of Latent Heat Release in Tropical Cyclones Due to Environmental Forcing Obtained from A Numerical Model
Name: Andrew Michael Wood
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Cox, K.R.
Title: Organizing for Local Economic Development Local Economic Development Networks And Capitalist Investment in The U.S. City
Name: Stephanie Sue Woodzell
Degree: MA
Advisor: Smith, W.R.
Title: Shifts in Population and Economic Activity 1960--90: Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina
Name: Demin Xiong
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: Strategies for Real-Time Spatial Analysis in a GIS Framework: An Application to Real-Time Traffic Flow Modeling on Massively Parallel Computers
Name: Jorge Carrasco*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Bromwich, D.
Title: A Mesoscale Cyclogenesis Study Adjacent to The Pacific Coast of Antarctica
Name: Stephen Coffeen*
Degree: MA
Advisor: DeMers, M.
Title: GIS in Geographic Education: An Empirical Study
Name: Bea English*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Mosley-Thompson, E.
Title: Contemporary Meteorological Regime Over The Tibetan Plateau: Evidence for ENSO And Monsoonal Variability
Name: James Giesken
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: The Role of Prototyping in GIS Design: A Case Study of The Digital Chart of The World
Name: Marie Elena Kambitsi
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Smith, W.R.
Title: Peripheral Development in Europe Population And Employment Deconcentration in The Country of Greece
Name: Stephen Walter Liska
Degree: MA
Advisor: Medvedkov, Y.
Title: Spatial Analysis of Market Economy
Name: Guosheng Liu
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: Object-Orientation in GIS: A Reference Model and its Design Implications
Name: Michael McCoy*
Degree: MS
Advisor: Hobgood, J.
Title: Mesoscale Surface Pressure Features Associated with A Mid-Latitude Squall Line
Name: Robert, J. Mouser
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: Addressing Non-Technical Issues During Multi-Organizational GIS Design: A Case Study of The Louisville/Jefferson County Information Consortium (LOJIC)
Name: Tracy Hunter Newsome
Degree: PhD
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: Measuring Spatial Pattern in Census Units Residential Segregation in Franklin County Ohio
Name: Jessie Poon
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Casetti, E.
Title: Manufactured Exports And Economic Growth A Model-Context Perspective
Name: Alexandra Silva
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: Design of a GIS Application for The Analysis and Visualization of Small Area Census Data
Name: Kyoko Tanaka
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Casetti, E.
Title: Dynamics of Interregional Migration And Income in Japan During The Post-World War II Period
Name: James Alan Thompson
Degree: MA
Advisor: DeMers, M.
Title: Predicting Soil Mapping Unit Inclusion Locations Using Detailed Topographic Data Within A Geographical Information System
Name: Steven M. Banks
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Casetti, E.
Title: Natural Resource Booms And Third World Development Assessing The Subsectoral Impacts of The Nigerian Petroleum Boom on Agricultural Export Performance
Name: Robert Douglas Gross
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Casetti, E.
Title: Convergence and Divergence in The Islamic Republics of The Soviet Union And The Russian Empire 1913-1988
Name: James Paul Lewandowski
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Trade Among Developing Countries 1970-1985 Changes in Pattern And A Relative Factor Endowments Model of Direction And Volume
Name: T. Victor Mesev
Degree: MA
Advisor: DeMers, M.
Title: Suitability of Ancilliary Data for Improving Post-Image Classification of Mixed Hardwoods
Name: Harvey Jay Miller
Degree: PhD
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: Consumer Spatial Search Behavior A General Modeling Framework And Operational Models
Name: Robert Michael Oswald
Degree: MA
Advisor: Klak, T.
Title: Choice of Destination Among Urban Migrants in Ecuador
Name: Jiangfu Pan*
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Rayner, J.
Title: Energy Cycles in The Summer Tropical Atmosphere Over The North Atlantic Ocean
Name: Orlando Rodriguez
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: Designing Relational Databases for Analyzing Spatially Aggregated Data in Geographic Information Systems
Name: Robert Rohli
Degree: MS
Advisor: Rogers, J.C.
Title: The Relationship Between Polar Anticyclones, Citrus Freezes in The Southeastern United States, And Atmospheric Teleconnection Patterns
Name: Rodrigo Sierra-Maldonado
Degree: MA
Advisor: Brown, L.A.
Title: Frontier Settlement And Cycles of Migration in Depressed Rural Settings: The Case of The Ecuadorian Amazon Basin
Name: Daniel Fred Wagner
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: Development And Proof-of-Concept of A Comprehensive Performance Evaluation Methodology for Geographic Information Systems
Name: Xiabo Zhang
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: Development of An Advanced Network Analysis Prototype Within a GIS Context
Name: Jonathan Charles Comer
Degree: MA
Advisor: Jackson, R.W.
Title: An Evaluation of The Validity of Using Highly Aggregated National Accounts in The Construction of Regional Input-Output Tables
Name: Yong Lao
Degree: MA
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: Mode Choice in A Hub-And-Spoke Network: A Zero-One Linear Programming Approach
Name: Jessica Pui-Ling Lee
Degree: MA
Advisor: Casetti, E.
Title: The Drifting Relationship Between Fertility And Income Per Capita: A Rural-Urban Contrast in Guangdong Province of China
Name: Der-Tzong Liaw
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: Development of A Prototype Spatial Data Indexing System
Name: Yeong-Jiann Lin
Degree: MA
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: Improving The GIS User Interface: Design And Test Implementation of A Thematic Mapping Shell for ARC/INFO
Name: Keith R. Mountain*
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Arnfield, A.J.
Title: A Clear Sky Net Radiation Model for The High Elevation Glacial Environment
Name: Una ni Chaoimh*
Degree: MA
Advisor: Rayner, J.N.
Title: Northeast Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Motion
Name: Marilyn N. Raphael*
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Rogers, J.C.
Title: Atmospheric Circulation And Poleward Sensible Heat Flux Variations Associated with The Recent Northern Hemisphere Warming
Name: Jatinder Singh Sandhu
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Marble, D.
Title: Combining Exploratory Data Analysis And Scientific Visualization in The Study of Very Large Space-Time Data Sets
Name: Allaire C. Shaw
Degree: PhD
Advisor: O'Kelly, M.
Title: A Model of The Effect of Household Interaction On Activity-Based Travel
Name: Paul John Smolarchuk
Degree: MA
Advisor: Medvedkov, Y.
Title: Economic Self-Sufficiency of The Russian Federation
Name: Jenny Zorn
Degree: PhD
Advisor: Casetti, E.
Title: Spatial Variations in Gender Income Differentials