Nancy Ettlinger

Nancy Ettlinger

Nancy Ettlinger


(614) 292-2573

1100 Derby Hall
154 North Oval Mall
Columbus OH 43210

Google Map

Areas of Expertise

  • Socio-Technic Change
  • Critical Human Geography
  • Poststructural Theory and Epistemology
  • Governance of Neoliberal Life
  • Culture and Economy; The Digital Economy


  • Ph.D., 1984 Geography, University of Oklahoma
  • M.A., 1980 Geography, University of Oklahoma
  • B.A., 1977 Anthropology, Hamilton College, Clinton NY

Current CV: Nancy Ettlinger.pdf

Interests: Critical Human Geography, Poststuctural Theory and Epistemology, Governance of Neoliberal Life, Culture and Economy, Systems of Production Consumption and Social In/justice.

Current Research: As a critical human geographer I ask: how can critiques of our social, political, economic, and cultural environment offer insights into how to produce change? How are people governed and enrolled in a wide range of societal projects (e.g. neoliberalism, segregation, democracy), and what are the prospects for resistance? What is the relation between subjectivity and change? Underscoring these questions is a concern for the relation between individuals and larger-scale phenomena (firms, institutions, societal projects) and an interconnected view of social, political, economic, and cultural processes.
Recently I have directed the general approach above to  identifying, contextualizing, and explaining a new, digital regime of life and work that entails new modes of exploitation, notably of digital labor via various forms of crowdsourcing and firms’ covert capture of consumers’ personal data as they produce a digital footprint through their daily internet practices. I am interested how firms have capitalized on the digital infrastructure and the resultant capital-labor relation, as well as in the affordances of the digital infrastructure for ordinary people in new modes of digital resistance.

Current Teaching:

Geography 4191 - Internship
Geography 5502 - The Neoliberal Smart City
Geography 5601 - Foucault, Power, Governance
Geography 8100 - Geographic Thought, Graduate Seminar

Select Publications:

2020 Unbounding ‘states of exception’, reconceptualizing precarity. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy, and Society,

2020 Dispossessed presumption, crowdsourcing, and the digital regime of work. New Formations,

2017 A relational approach to an analytics of resistance: towards a humanity of care for the infirm elderly – a Foucauldian examination of possibilities. Foucault Studies, 23:108-140.

2017 Open innovation and its discontents. Geoforum 80: 61-71.

2016 The governance of crowdsourcing: rationalities of the new exploitation: Environment and Planning A 48: 2182-2180.