Chairman O'Kelly's News Brief
The Department Meet and Greet is set for August 22nd and please read the notices you will receive about the photo opportunity that morning. (Diane Carducci sent a detailed e-mail on Thursday this week.) We are going to update all our photos this year, so getting your picture taken is a must.
Mat Coleman's research was featured in a recent VICE piece on policing.
We heard recently from former student Paul Kinder who completed an MA in 1994 working with Duane Marble. After many years gaining practical experience in employment we are glad to hear that Paul has plans to further his education. We wish him all the best!
We are happy to report that the current schedule is all set and we will offer a comprehensive range of classes for Fall Semester. It all begins on August 23rd.
If you are still interested in adding classes we encourage you to check out Geography 5601 (Nancy Ettlinger) and Geography 5801 (Joel Wainwright) both of which have open seats.
Our globe-trotting faculty continue to pack in one more trip before the beginning of term. Bryan Mark will be in Peru, Ellen Mosley-Thompson will be in China, and Elisabeth Root will be in India in the next weeks. They are all meeting with collaborators and discussing their on-going research. Take some pictures for our photo album!
Do you use CARMEN? It is changing. Note that there is a new learning management system and it is necessary to get on board with the details by the end of Fall Semester at the very latest. This is complex and non-trivial! We have arranged for an ODEE workshop. Start in Canvas (Hands-on), scheduled for 8/11/2016 at 1:30 PM, Derby Hall, 0135. This session will help us all to see what is involved. Please consider joining this session. If you register, there are some videos and prep work needed. To give a flavor of what is involved, see these three videos (Total time: 12:55).
Morton O'Kelly
Professor and Chair