Student Profile: Rachel Webb
Major: Atmospheric Sciences
Year: 3rd Year
Hometown: Edmond, Oklahoma
Even though she grew up in Oklahoma, Rachel Webb has always had a special connection to Ohio State. Her grandparents were dedicated alumni and would watch the Michigan-Ohio State football game with her every year. She remembered when she was in high school, when Ohio State came to play Oklahoma and the band played during half time, she knew, “Oh, I want to go there.” Since then, she has played symbols with the athletic band and has loved her time on campus.
At Ohio State, her career focus has changed significantly, however. “Originally, I came to study microbiology. I wasn’t thinking about atmospheric science, it wasn’t even on my radar,” she said. “I was looking at veterinary schools and Ohio State was one of the top five. I enjoyed AP bio in high school and I thought that would be a good path for me.” But through the process of taking chemistry courses and other classes, particularly dealing with online learning during the COVID pandemic, she realized that she wanted to go in a different direction. She encourages other students to not stress about what you want to do in life right away. “It’s ok to take a step back and figure out who you are first and what you like before delving into what you want to do.” For her, she realized that she was most passionate about weather. “Once you find your passion, you can put that passion into your degree. If you change your major, it’s ok! I did!”
She points particularly to the role of the professors in the department as being pivotal in her success. “They are always here to support you, no matter what you want to do. They’re a really great resource.” She pointed to her experience last fall in Microclimatology Measurements as being a really fun hands-on experience. Through funds made available through the Gary Sharpe Field School, she was able to attend the American Meteorological Society annual meeting in Baltimore to present the research she and her team did in that class. She hopes to continue on into a career in weather research, possibly with the National Weather Service, NOAA, or at CIWRO in Oklahoma, which conducts research on high-impact weather.
Her advice to future students is, “go to school where it feels like a second home. I toured several other schools and none of them fit quite right for me. But that was different at Ohio State, I could see myself walking across the Oval, going to football games, getting involved in different clubs and organizations, in student life.”
When asked where in the world she’d like to go, she said that she’d love to tour Europe but focusing specifically on Germany where she has family connections. “I’ve always loved castles and Medieval history and I’d love to spend some time there to learn more!”
Find out more about the Atmospheric Sciences major or minor.

Image Caption-Rachel Webb and her research group: Kamran Chowdhurry, Yu Liu, and Logan Wallen

Image Caption- Rachel Webb and her research group: Kamran Chowdhurry, Yu Liu, and Logan Wallen

Image Caption- Rachel Webb and Ohio State students from Microclimatology with Ken Graham, director of National Weather Service