Zhengyu Liu published a paper in Nature this week, resolving a key climate mystery of the global temperature of the last 10,000 years.

In collaboration with scientists at Rutgers University and other institutions, Prof. Zhengyu Liu published a paper in Nature this week (“Seasonal origin for the Holocene and last interglacial thermal maximum” (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-03155-x), challenging the long-held view that the global temperature was the highest in the last 12000 years (Holocene) in mid-Holocene. They developed a new method that filters out seasonal bias in past temperature reconstructions, showing that the annual global temperature continued warming towards the present. Their study suggests that the first half of the Holocene was colder than in industrial times due to the cooling effects of remnant ice sheets and the late Holocene warming was indeed caused by the increase in greenhouse gases, as predicted by climate models, and that eliminates any doubts about the key role of carbon dioxide in global warming.
The paper is getting covered by the international media, here is a small selection but likely just the beginning.