Zhengyu Liu

Zhengyu Liu

Zhengyu Liu

Max Thomas Professor of Climate Dynamics, Atmospheric Sciences Program Director



1106 Derby Hall
154 North Oval Mall
Columbus OH 43210

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Areas of Expertise

  • Climate Dynamics
  • Climate Change
  • Earth Systems Modeling
  • Paleoclimate


  • 1991, Ph.D., Physical Oceanography, MIT
  • 1985, M.S., Dynamic Meteorology, Chinese Academy of Science
  • 1982, B.S., Applied Mathematics, Nanjing Institute of Meteorology, China


Currrent CV:

Interests: Climatology, Hydroclimatology, Synoptic Climatology, Climate Data Analytics

Current Research:  My research interest is the modeling and understanding of the global climate system and ocean-atmosphere-land interaction, with application to climate change and climate variability of the past, present and future. My research projects consist of two parts. The first is the modeling of climate variability of seasonal to interdecadal time scales, and the second is the modeling of climate changes of the last glacial/interglacial cycles and future global warming. I am also interested in the dynamics of the general oceanic circulation and, more generally, the geophysical fluid.

Courses Taught:
ASP5952: Dynamic Meteorology I
ASP5951: Dynamic Meteorology II
ASP8902: Combining Data and Model: Data Assimilation
ASP8901: Global Warming and Climate Change

Select Publications:


He C., Z. Liu, B. L. Otto-Bliesner, E. C. Brady, C. Zhu, R. Thomas, P. U. Clark, J. Zhu, A. Jahn, S. Gu, J. Zhang, J. Nusbaumer, D. Noone, H. Cheng, Y. Wang, M. Yan and Y. Bao, 2021: The hydroclimate footprint accompanying pan-Asian monsoon water isotope evolution during the last deglaciation. Sci. Adv., 10.1126/sciadv.abe2611

Bova S., Y. Rosenthal, Z. Liu, S. Godal and M. Yan, 2021: Seasonal origin for the Holocene and last interglacial thermal maximum. Nature 589, 548-553, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-03155-x

Zhu, C. and Z. Liu, 2020: Weakening Atlantic Overturning Circulation causes South Atlantic salinity pileup. Nat. Clm. Change, 10.1038/s41558-020-0897-7

Chen, K., L. Ning, Z. Liu, J. Liu, M. Yan, W. Sun et al., 2020: One drought and one volcanic eruption influenced the history of China: The late Ming Dynasty mega‐drought. Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2020GL088124. 10.1029/2020GL088124 (highlighted by Nature: https:/www.ature.com/articles/d41586-020-02467-2)

He, C., Z. Liu and A. Hu, 2019: The transient response of atmospheric and oceanic heat transports to anthropogenic warming. Nat. Clim. Change 9, 222-226.

Liu, Z., Y. Jin and X. Rong, 2019: A theory for seasonal predictability barrier: threshold, timing and intensity.   J. Clim. 32, 423-443.