Man-Yau ("Joseph") Chan
Assistant Professor
1132 Derby Hall
154 North Oval Mall
Columbus OH 43210
Areas of Expertise
- Data Assimilation
- Tropical Meteorology
- Earth System Prediction and Data
- 2022 PhD. Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University
- 2017 BS Physics with Honors, National University of Singapore
I am a statistical meteorologist dedicated to improving Earth system forecasts and data. These forecasts and data are crucial for many socioeconomic activities and disaster mitigation. My research focuses on developing and applying Ensemble Data Assimilation (EnsDA): the geospatial Big Data Fusion of measurements and computer models. EnsDA is a crucial component of weather, ocean and land forecasting systems. Because of a current shortage in EnsDA practitioners, students trained in Earth systems EnsDA are practically guaranteed a job before graduating.
My research interests include: 1) new applications of existing observations, 2) developing novel and practical EnsDA algorithms, 3) creating better Earth System datasets, 4) how errors grow in Earth System models, and 5) finding easier-to-understand ways to train future generations on EnsDA.
Current CV: