Alvaro Montenegro

Alvaro Montenegro

Alvaro Montenegro

Associate Professor

(614) 688-5451

1152 Derby Hall
154 North Oval Mall
Columbus OH 43210

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Areas of Expertise

  • Climatology applied to archaeology
  • Agent-based modelling
  • Paleoclimatology
  • Climate Change
  • Climate Modeling


  • Ph.D. 2003 Physical Oceanography Florida State University. Tallahassee, FL, USA
  • M.S. 1999 Physical Oceanography University of Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.
  • B.S. 1996 Oceanography - Coastal Resources Management University of Rio Grande. Rio Grande, RS, Brazil.
  • B.A. 1992 Business and Administration EAESP - Getulio Vargas Foundation. Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil

Current CV:  

Interests: Climatology applied to archaeology, Agent-based modelling, Climate Change, Paleoclimatology, Climate Modeling

Current Research: My research interests encompass various aspects of climatology, with a focus on using paleoclimatic data and paleoclimate models to constrain archaeological and biogeographic theories. I also develop and use agent-based models, particularly models that simulate displacement over water, to address questions on past human mobility and biogeography. Some examples of scientific questions I have attempted to answer include: Could some Polynesian islands have been discovered by accidental drift voyages? What are the most likely source areas for the hominids found in island of Sulawesi at about 150 thousand years ago? What was the potential role of climate variability on the process of Pacific colonization? Could transoceanic crossings from Africa have introduced the bottle gourd into the Americas? Will large scale planting of trees worldwide cool or warm the climate?

Courses Taught: 
Geography 1900 – Introduction to Weather and Climate
Atmospheric Sciences 5901 – Climate System Modeling: Basics and Applications
Geography 3980 - Biogeography
Atmospheric Sciences 2940 – Basic Meteorology

Select Publications: 
(* MS Student advisee)

Montenegro, A., R. Callaghan and S.M. Fitzpatrick, 2016, Using Seafaring Simulations and Shortest Hop Trajectories to Model the Prehistoric Colonization of Remote Oceania, 2016, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, 12685-12690

Temmen, J.,A.* Montenegro, S. Juras, J. Field and J. DeGrand, 2022, Floating the Sweet Potato to Polynesia: Considering the feasibility of oceanic drift for the prehistoric introduction of the sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) to Pacific Islands, Quaternary Sciences Reviews, 295.

D’Cunha, M.G.T*, A. Montenegro and J. Field, 2021 Modeling water crossings leading to the arrival of early Homo in Sulawesi, Indonesia via paleoclimate drift experiments, Journal of Archaeological Sciences: Reports.40

Chandrassa, G.* and A. Montenegro, 2019, Evaluation of Regional Climate Model Simulated Rainfall over Indonesia and its Application for Downscaling Climate Projections, International Journal of Climatology