Steven Quiring
Professor, Promotion and Tenure Chair
1062 Derby Hall
154 North Oval Mall
Columbus OH 43210
Areas of Expertise
- Climatology
- Hydroclimatology
- Drought Monitoring and Prediction
- 2005. Ph.D. (Climatology), University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware.
- 2001. M.A. (Geography), University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
- 1999. B.A. (Geography), University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Current CV:
Interests: Climatology, Hydroclimatology, Synoptic Climatology, Climate Data Analytics
Current Research:
I am a climatologist with research interests in hydroclimatology, synoptic climatology and applying climate data to solve societally-relevant problems (climate data analytics). My current research projects are concentrated in two areas. The first is improving our understanding of the land-atmosphere interactions and applying this information to improve drought and seasonal climate predictability. The second is modeling the impact of weather events on power infrastructure. A lot of our past work has focused on the impacts of hurricanes on the power system and now we are expanding our focus to look at thunderstorms and winter storms. I utilize a variety of data mining and data analytics approaches in my research. I also employ a variety of models, including: weather/climate, hydrologic, land surface and crop yield.
Courses Taught:
GEOG 5900 Weather, climate, and global warming
GEOG 5921 Microclimatology: Boundary Layer Climatology
GEOG 5922 Microclimatology: Microclimatological Measurements
GEOG 8901 Problems in Climatology
GEOG 8902 Applied Climatology
Select Publications:
Yuan, S., Quiring, S. M., Kalcic, M. M., Postel, A. M., Evenson, G. R., and H. A. Kujawa (2020) Optimizing climate model selection for hydrological modeling: a case study in the Maumee River Basin using SWAT. Journal of Hydrology, 588: 125064.
Leasor, Z. T., Quiring, S. M. and M. D. Svoboda (2020) Utilizing Objective Drought Severity Thresholds to Improve Drought Monitoring. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 59: 455–475.
Zhao, C., Quiring, S. M., Yuan, S., McRoberts, D. B., Zhang, N. and Z. Leasor (2020) Developing and Evaluating National Soil Moisture Percentile Maps. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 84: 443-460.
Yuan, S., Wang, Y., Quiring, S. M., Ford, T. W. and A. L. Houston (2020) A sensitivity study on the response of convective initiation to in situ soil moisture in the central United States. Climate Dynamics, 54: 2013–2028.
Yuan, S., Quiring, S. M., Zhu, L., Huang, Y. and J. Wang (2020) Development of a Typhoon Power Outage Model in Guangdong, China. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems: 117: 105711.