Ningchuan Xiao
1160 Derby Hall
154 North Oval Mall
Columbus OH 43210
Areas of Expertise
- Machine learning and spatial data
- Census data
- Spatial optimization
- Cartography and visualization
- Programming and Algorithms
- Mobility and Infectious Diseases
- Ph.D., Geography, The University of Iowa, 2003
Courses Taught:
Geography 5200: Cartography and Map Design
Geography 5210: Fundamentals of GIS
GEOG 5222: GIS Programming and Algorithms
Geography 5223-Design and Implementation of GIS
Select Publications:
Lin, Y and Xiao, N. 2023. A computational framework for preserving privacy and maintaining utility of geographically aggregated data: A stochastic spatial optimization approach. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. In press.
Lin, Y. and Xiao, N. 2023. Generating Small Areal Synthetic Microdata from Public Aggregated Data Using an Optimization Method. The Professional Geographer. In press.
Li, J. and Xiao, N. 2023. Computational Cartographic Recognition: Identifying Maps, Geographic Regions, and Projections from Images Using Machine Learning Methods. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. In press.
Xiao, N. and Murray, A. 2019. Spatial optimization for land acquisition problems: a review of models, solution methods, and GIS support. Transactions In GIS. 23(4): 645-671.
Xiao, N. and Y. Chun, 2009. Visualizing migration flows using kriskograms. Cartography and Geographical Information Science 36(2):183-191.
Xiao, N., Shi, T., Calder, C.A., Munroe, D.K., Berrett, C., Wolfinbarger, S.R., and D. Li, 2009. Spatial characteristics of the difference between MISR and MODIS aerosol optical depth retrievals over mainland Southeast Asia. Remote Sensing of Environment, 113: 1-9.
Xiao, N. 2008. A unified conceptual framework for geographical optimization using evolutionary algorithms. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 98(4): 795-817.
Xiao, N., Bennett, D.A., and M. P. Armstrong, 2007. Interactive evolutionary approaches to multiobjective spatial decision making: a synthetic review. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 31: 232-252.