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Geography Emeriti Emilio Casetti Estate

June 22, 2023

Geography Emeriti Emilio Casetti Estate

Casetti Library 1

On Friday June 16, Mat Coleman, Alvaro Montenegro and Jens Blegvad went on an adventure to attempt to preserve some of this extraordinary personal library of our former Geography Professor Emilio Casseti. The Casetti's are now both deceased and the Licking County estate has been sold and the new owner thought we might want to go through this extensive collection of geography related books and materials. So in order to accomplish this we visited the estate on June 9, aided by former Chair Morton O"Kelly and Jim DeGrand to evaluate and decide what to do. It was decided after much deliberation to help the new owner out and move the library to ONE location in order to help the new owner clear the house and give us more time to go through the material.
So, we worked for 6 hours, boxed up 120+ large archiving boxes with papers folders and books, moved all the shelves etc to the estate annex, 300 yards away, where the second part of the library is located. Now we will have a few months for Faculty and Grad Students to visit this collection and then decide what to do with it before we eventually will have to see it go.
If you are interested in helping with this effort please let Mat know so that we can arrange further visits to the location, which is about 45 miles from campus and we will need to arrange for access to the grounds and annex. Clearly more to come on this effort later this year.