News Brief From Our Chair, Darla Munroe

Women Are Creating Knowledge (WACK), the department's research support group for women, held their first meeting of 2022 on March 22nd. They share food, research connections, and tips for successfully passing candidacy exams.
L-R: Yue Lin, Xiaoyu Liang, Caroline Atwood, Saya Moya, Deanna Holroyd (Comp Studies), Yue Zhang (Earth Sciences), Emily Mazan, Sara Johnson, Eshita Eva, & Katie Krupala. Taken by: Anisa Kline.
Faculty News:
Harvey Miller will be on a panel at the Office of Outreach and Engagement's Engaged Scholarship Symposium on April 12 at the Ohio Union. This symposium will highlight faculty who are co-creating scholarship with our community.
Student News:
Yuchen Li (PhD candidate, Geog) is lead author on a new paper published in Health and Place. The study uses ‘found’ geospatial data (311 service requests and street view imagery) to characterize the social and physical environmental conditions that associate with opioid overdose events within cities.
Alumni News:
Blake Acton (MA Geog, 2020) is lead author with Huyen T.K. Le and Harvey Miller on a paper published in Journal of Transport Geography that evaluates the before-and-after effect of 11 Bus Rapid Transit systems on nearby property values in ten metropolitan areas across the United States.
Upcoming Events:
Our last two speakers in this year's series are today, and in two weeks.
TODAY: Marilyn Raphael from UCLA, is our Taaffe speaker this year: Antarctic Sea Ice Variability, Change and Linkages with the Atmospheric Circulation, 3:30 pm on Zoom.
Friday, April 22nd, we have Scott Sheridan, from Kent State University: Heat Vulnerability in a Changing Climate: can we acclimatize? This talk will be hybrid - in person in Derby 1080, with a Zoom option. Also 3:30 pm.
Darla Munroe
Professor and Chair