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News Brief From Our Chair, Darla Munroe

October 25, 2021

News Brief From Our Chair, Darla Munroe

Geography 1900  Blimp

Another great picture of our Geography blimp on the Oval from our Geog 1900 vertical profile lab.

Student News: 

Armita Kar (Geog) recently passed her PhD qualifying exam. Her dissertation project is titled “Inclusive Accessibility: Integrating person-based qualitative and quantitative constraints into transportation planning.” Her committee consists of Ningchuan Xiao, Andre Carrel (Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering), Srini Parthasarathy (Computer Science and Engineering) and her co-advisors, Huyen Le and Harvey Miller.

Geog PhD student Ahmad Ilderim Tokey recently published a paper in Transportation Findings that examines the social equity of e-scooter availability across different socially disadvantaged groups in Minneapolis, MN (USA).

Alumni News: 

John Temmen (MS Geography, 2020) has accepted a Lecturer postion at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences/ Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA).

Upcoming Events: 

Please join SASI and the Humanities Collaboratory in a book panel featuring Madhumita Dutta’s new book, Mobile Girls Koottam (Zubaan, 2021) on November 8, 4-5 pm on Zoom. Dr. Dutta will be joined in conversation by Dr. Roja Suganthy-Singh. Find more information and register for the event here.

Geography Blog: 

This week's blog celebrating "Then and Now," our department's upcoming 100th anniversary, was written by John Agnew (PhD Geog, 1976). It is titled, "50 Years Later."


Darla Munroe
Professor and Chair