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News Brief from Our Chair, Darla Munroe.

August 13, 2021

News Brief from Our Chair, Darla Munroe.

Rebecca Chapman in the field

Rebecca Chapman (PhD student, Geog; right) was in the field this summer, touring fish hatcheries across the Midwest. Theresa Shay, of the Iowa Department of Natural Resource, gives a tour of the Chuck Gipp Decorah Fish Hatchery. This stream supports trout production with a year round supply of cold water.

Student News: 

Laurel Bayless (BS 2021, Geog) is a member of the Gamma Theta Upsilon International Geography Honor Society, and has received the GTU 2021 Buzzard Undergraduate Scholarship. GTU awards five scholarships yearly to their nationwide constituency.

Zack Leasor defended his doctoral dissertation, "Utilizing Antecedent Soil Moisture to Improve Monthly Temperature Forecasts." His committee members included Elisabeth Root, Bryan Mark, Alvaro Montenegro and Steven Quiring as advisor.
Zack is the Co-Principal Investigator on a recently funded NSF grant that will support him as a post-doctoral researcher in our department.

Geography Blog:

PhD student Sher Ali Khan discusses the implications of the war on terror in Pakistan, and how these measures shape the everyday lives of Pashtun workers living in cities.


Darla Munroe
Professor and Chair